- subplot
- [ʹsʌbplɒt] n лит.
побочная сюжетная линия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
subplot — (n.) also sub plot, 1812 in literature, from SUB (Cf. sub ) + PLOT (Cf. plot) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
subplot — [sub′plät΄] n. a secondary plot in a play, novel, etc … English World dictionary
Subplot — A subplot, sometimes referred to as a B story or a C story and so on, is a secondary plot strand that is auxiliary to the main plot.Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or in thematic significance. Subplots often involve… … Wikipedia
subplot — noun a) A plot within a story, subsidiary to the main plot. Subplot, a story line enclosed within the principal story to provide relief from the main plots tension, add character dimension, etc. b) A subdivision of a plot of land, especially one… … Wiktionary
subplot — sub|plot [ˈsʌbplɔt US pla:t] n a ↑plot (=set of events) that is connected with but less important than the main plot in a story, play etc ▪ the novel s romantic subplot … Dictionary of contemporary English
subplot — /ˈsʌbplɒt/ (say subplot) noun a secondary plot in a play, novel, etc., as distinct from the main plot. {sub + plot1} …
subplot — noun Date: 1830 1. a subordinate plot in fiction or drama 2. a subdivision of an experimental plot of land … New Collegiate Dictionary
subplot — /sub plot /, n. a secondary or subordinate plot, as in a play, novel, or other literary work; underplot. Cf. counterplot (def. 2). [1915 20; SUB + PLOT] * * * … Universalium
subplot — Synonyms and related words: action, anagnorisis, angle, architectonics, architecture, argument, atmosphere, background, catastrophe, characterization, color, complication, continuity, contrivance, denouement, design, development, device, episode … Moby Thesaurus
subplot — sub|plot [ sʌb,plat ] noun count a story in a novel, movie, or play that is separate from the main story, and less important … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
subplot — see sub plot … English dictionary