
1. [səʹbɔ:dınıt] n
2. [səʹbɔ:dınıt] a
1. зависимый, подчинённый

subordinate position - зависимое положение

to be in a subordinate situation - быть в зависимом положении

subordinate body - подчинённый орган

2. второстепенный

subordinate interests - второстепенные интересы

subordinate crop - с.-х. подсевная культура

he plays a subordinate part - он играет второстепенную роль

pleasure should be subordinate to duty - на первом месте стоит долг, а потом - удовольствие

3. грам.
1) придаточный

subordinate clause - придаточное предложение

2) подчинительный

subordinate conjunctions - подчинительные союзы

4. спец. расположенный ниже
3. [səʹbɔ:dıneıt] v
подчинять, ставить в зависимость

to subordinate passions to reason - подчинять страсти рассудку

to subordinate one's own interests to the public good - подчинить личные интересы общественным

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subordinate" в других словарях:

  • subordinate — subordinate, subordinated, subordination Debts or claims that have a lower status or priority than other debts or claims are subordinate. For example, creditor A may agree in a subordination agreement to have its claims on the cash flow or on the …   Financial and business terms

  • subordinate — adj Subordinate, secondary, dependent, subject, tributary, collateral are comparable when they mean placed in or belonging to a class, rank, or status lower than the highest or the first in importance or power. Subordinate applies to a person or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • subordinate — sub·or·di·nate 1 /sə bȯrd ən ət/ adj 1: placed in or occupying a lower rank, class, or position 2: submissive to or controlled by authority sub·or·di·nate 2 /sə bȯrd ən ˌāt/ vt nat·ed, nat·ing: to assign lower priority to (as a debt or… …   Law dictionary

  • subordinate — [sə bôrd′ n it; ] for v [., səbôr′də nāt΄] adj. [ME < ML subordinatus, pp. of subordinare < L sub , under + ordinare, to order: see ORDAIN] 1. inferior to or placed below another in rank, power, importance, etc.; secondary 2. under the… …   English World dictionary

  • Subordinate — Sub*or di*nate, a. [Pref. sub + L. ordinatus, p. p. of ordinare to set in order, to arrange. See {Ordain}.] 1. Placed in a lower order, class, or rank; holding a lower or inferior position. [1913 Webster] The several kinds and subordinate species …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Subordinate — Sub*or di*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Subordinated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Subordinating}.] 1. To place in a lower order or class; to make or consider as of less value or importance; as, to subordinate one creature to another. [1913 Webster] 2. To make …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subordinate — [adj] lesser, supplementary accessory, adjuvant, ancillary, auxiliary, baser, below par, collateral, contributory, dependent, inferior, insignificant, junior, low, lower, minor, paltry, satellite, secondary, second fiddle*, secondstring*, smaller …   New thesaurus

  • subordinate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lower in rank or position. 2) of less or secondary importance. ► NOUN ▪ a person under the authority or control of another. ► VERB 1) treat or regard as subordinate. 2) make subservient or dependent …   English terms dictionary

  • Subordinate — Sub*or di*nate, n. One who stands in order or rank below another; distinguished from a principal. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subordinate — sub|or|di|nate1 [səˈbo:dınət US ˈbo:r ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Medieval Latin; Origin: , past participle of subordinare to subordinate , from Latin ordinare; ORDAIN] 1.) in a less important position than someone else ▪ a subordinate officer… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • subordinate — I UK [səˈbɔː(r)dɪnət] / US [səˈbɔrdɪnət] adjective * 1) having less power or authority than someone else He handed the case down to one of his subordinate officers. subordinate to: All members of the committee are subordinate to the chairman. 2)… …   English dictionary

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