- subcortical
- [sʌbʹkɔ:tık(ə)l] a анат.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
subcortical — SUBCORTICÁL, Ă, subcorticali, e, adj. Care este situat sub scoarţa cerebrală; privitor la această regiune. – Sub1 + cortical (după fr. sous cortical). Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 subcorticál adj. m. cortical Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
subcortical — adj. anat. Dícese de la estructura de un órgano que se halla situado debajo de una costilla o de una corteza, como la corteza cerebral subcostal. Medical Dictionary. 2011 … Diccionario médico
subcortical — adjetivo 1. Que está debajo de la corteza cerebral: capas subcorticales, zona subcortical … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
subcortical — subcortical, ale (sub kor ti kal, ka l ) adj. Qui est placé sous l écorce des arbres … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
subcortical — [sub kôr′ti kəl] adj. of or having to do with the region or tissue below a cortex, esp. the brain tissue below the cerebral cortex … English World dictionary
subcortical — Relating to the subcortex; beneath the cerebral cortex. * * * sub·cor·ti·cal kȯrt i kəl adj of, relating to, involving, or being nerve centers below the cerebral cortex <subcortical lesions> <subcortical sensation> sub·cor·ti·cal·ly… … Medical dictionary
subcortical — adjective Date: 1899 of, relating to, involving, or being a part of the brain below the cerebral cortex < subcortical lesions > … New Collegiate Dictionary
subcortical — adjective Of or pertaining to the subcortex, the portion of the brain located below the cerebral cortex He was diagnosed with subcortical dementia … Wiktionary
Subcortical ischemic depression — Subcortical ischemic depression, also known as vascular depression is a medical condition most commonly seen in elderly depressed patients. Late onset depression is increasingly seen as a distinct variety of depression, and is commonly detected… … Wikipedia
subcortical dementia — any of a group of dementias thought to be caused by lesions affecting subcortical brain structures (such as the centrum ovale, basal ganglia, or thalamus) more than cortical ones, and characterized by memory loss with slowness in processing… … Medical dictionary
subcortical — subcortically, adv. /sub kawr ti keuhl/, adj. Anat. situated beneath the cortex. [1805 15; SUB + CORTICAL] * * * … Universalium