- sub judice
- [͵sʌbʹdʒu:dısı] лат. юр.
на рассмотрении суда; ещё не решено (о деле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sub judice — sub ju‧di‧ce [ˌsʌbˈdʒuːdɪsi ǁ ˌsʊb ˈjuːdɪkeɪ] adjective, adverb LAW if a legal case is sub judice, it is now being dealt with by a court, and therefore people are not allowed to discuss it publicly, for example in newspapers: • The newspaper… … Financial and business terms
sub judice — sub ju·di·ce /ˌsəb jü də sē, ˌsu̇b yü di ˌkā/ adv [Latin]: before the court: at bar in the case sub judice Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
sub júdice — sub judice (pronunc. [sub iúdice]) adj. y adv. Der. Expresión latina que se aplica a las cosas que están sometidas a la decisión de quien ha de emitir juicio sobre ellas; particularmente, de un *juez. ≃ Sub iudice. * * * sub júdice. loc. adj. Der … Enciclopedia Universal
Sub judĭce — (lat., »unter dem Richter«), Verkürzung für: Adhuc sub judice lis est, »die Streitsache ist noch unentschieden, schwebt noch« (Zitat aus Horaz »Ars poetica«, V. 78) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Sub judice — Sub ju di*ce [L.] Before the judge, or court; not yet decided; under judicial consideration. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sub judice — /sub jooh di see /; Lat. /soob yooh di ke / before a judge or court; awaiting judicial determination. [1605 15; < L sub judice] * * * … Universalium
sub judice — sub ju|di|ce [ˌsʌbˈdʒu:dısi US ˈdʒu:dısi, ˈju:dıkeı] adv [only after verb] law a legal case being considered sub judice is now being dealt with by a court, and therefore is not allowed to be publicly discussed, for example in a newspaper … Dictionary of contemporary English
sub judice — sub ju|di|ce [ ,sʌb dʒudəsi ] adjective, adverb LEGAL a legal case or piece of evidence that is sub judice is being considered by a judge or in a court and some details of it cannot be discussed in public … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sub júdice — → sub iúdice … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
sub júdice — loc. adj. Der. sub iúdice … Diccionario de la lengua española
sub judice — [sub jo͞o′də sē΄] adj. [L, lit., under judgment] before the court; under judicial consideration … English World dictionary