Styptic — Styp tic, a. [L. stypticus, Gr. ?, fr. ? to contract.] Producing contraction; stopping bleeding; having the quality of restraining hemorrhage when applied to the bleeding part; astringent. [Written also {stiptic}.] [1913 Webster] {Styptic weed}… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Styptic — Styp tic, n. (Med.) A styptic medicine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
styptic — Medicine ► ADJECTIVE ▪ capable of causing bleeding to stop. ► NOUN ▪ a styptic substance. ORIGIN Greek stuptikos, from stuphein to contract … English terms dictionary
styptic — [stip′tik] adj. [LME stiptik < L stypticus < Gr styptikos, astringent < styphein, to contract: see STOP] tending to halt bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels; astringent n. any styptic substance stypticity [stiptis′ə tē]… … English World dictionary
styptic — c.1400, from O.Fr. stiptique, from L. stypticus astringent, from Gk. styptikos, from styphein to constrict, draw together. Spelling influenced by L. and Gk. words … Etymology dictionary
styptic — 1. Having an astringent or hemostatic effect. 2. An astringent agent used topically to stop bleeding. SYN: hemostyptic. [G. styptikos, astringent] * * * styp·tic stip tik adj tending to check bleeding <the styptic effect of c … Medical dictionary
styptic — 1. adjective /ˈstɪptɪk/ Bringing about contraction of tissues, especially to stop bleeding The growth on top was a scrubby plant, unknown anywhere else on Malta, which was believed to have styptic qualities – it could staunch bleeding when packed … Wiktionary
styptic — adjective Etymology: Middle English stiptik, from Anglo French, from Latin stypticus, from Greek styptikos, from styphein to contract Date: 14th century tending to contract or bind ; astringent; especially tending to check bleeding • styptic noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
styptic — stypticity /stip tis i tee/, stypticalness, n. /stip tik/, adj. Also, styptical. 1. serving to contract organic tissue; astringent; binding. 2. serving to check hemorrhage or bleeding, as a drug; hemostatic. n. 3. a styptic agent or substance.… … Universalium
styptic — Synonyms and related words: alum, astringent, clamp, collapsible, compactable, compressible, compressor, constrictor, constringent, consumptive, contractible, contractile, contractional, contractive, contractor, deflationary, foldable, pincer,… … Moby Thesaurus
styptic — styp•tic [[t]ˈstɪp tɪk[/t]] adj. Also, styp′ti•cal. 1) med serving to contract organic tissue; astringent; binding 2) med serving to check hemorrhage or bleeding, as a drug; hemostatic 3) pha a styptic agent or substance • Etymology: 1350–1400;… … From formal English to slang