
[ʹstʌfı] a
1. спёртый; душный; непроветренный

stuffy room - душная /непроветренная/ комната

it is a bit stuffy here - здесь немного душно; здесь мало воздуха

2. с заложенным носом, грудью

to feel stuffy - чувствовать себя простуженным

3. скучный, неинтересный

stuffy debate - скучные дебаты

4. узкий, ограниченный
5. разг. обидчивый; сердитый, надутый
6. разг. лицемерный, ханжеский; пуританский; косный, консервативный

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Смотреть что такое "stuffy" в других словарях:

  • Stuffy — may refer to:* Stuffy McInnis (1890 1960), first baseman and manager in Major League Baseball * Stuffy Stewart (1894 1980), professional baseball playeree also* Stuff * Stuffy nose …   Wikipedia

  • stuffy — stəf ē adj, stuff·i·er; est affected with congestion <a stuffy nose> stuff·i·ness stəf ē nəs n …   Medical dictionary

  • stuffy — [adj1] close, oppressive airless, breathless, confined, fetid, heavy, humid, muggy, stagnant, stale, stifling, suffocating, sultry, thick, unventilated; concept 525 Ant. airy, breezy, open, ventilated stuffy [adj2] old fashioned, prim arrogant,… …   New thesaurus

  • stuffy — [stuf′ē] adj. stuffier, stuffiest [ STUFF + Y2] 1. a) poorly ventilated; having little fresh air; close b) stale or oppressive [the stuffy air] 2. having the nasal passages stopped up …   English World dictionary

  • Stuffy — Stuff y, a. 1. Stout; mettlesome; resolute. [Scot.] Jamieson. [1913 Webster] 2. Angry and obstinate; sulky. [U. S.] [1913 Webster] 3. Ill ventilated; close. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stuffy — index orotund, pedestrian Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • stuffy — poorly ventilated, 1831, from STUFF (Cf. stuff) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Sense of pompous, smug is from 1895. Related: Stuffily; stuffiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • stuffy — *prim, priggish, prissy, prudish, puritanical, strait laced Analogous words: stodgy, *dull, humdrum: *irksome, tedious: narrow, narrow minded, *illiberal, hidebound …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stuffy — ► ADJECTIVE (stuffier, stuffiest) 1) lacking fresh air or ventilation. 2) conventional and narrow minded. 3) (of a person s nose) blocked up. DERIVATIVES stuffily adverb stuffiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • stuffy — [[t]stʌ̱fi[/t]] stuffier, stuffiest 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) Stuffy people or institutions are formal and old fashioned. Why were grown ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas? ...a firm of lawyers in Lincoln s Inn, immensely… …   English dictionary

  • stuffy — stuff|y [ˈstʌfi] adj 1.) a room or building that is stuffy does not have enough fresh air in it ▪ It s getting stuffy in here do you mind if I open the window? 2.) people, occasions, or places that are stuffy are too formal and old fashioned used …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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