- strobilus
- [strəʋʹbaıləs] n (pl -li) = strobile
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Strobĭlus — Strobĭlus, Zapfen, s. Blüthenstand D) b) bb) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Strobĭlus — (lat.), der Zapfen der Koniferen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Strobilus — [lateinisch »Zirbelnuss«], Botanik: Zapfen … Universal-Lexikon
STROBILUS — Graece ςτρόβυλος seu ςτροβύλιον, proprie pineam nucem siguificat, qualem in insignibus suis Augustam Vindelicorum praeferre, ex Velsero diximus, suô locô: ob similitudinem, Inauris genus, gestamen ex auro Barbarorum quorundam. Ideo Beatus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
strobilus — [strō bī′ləs] n. pl. strobili [strō bī′lī΄] [ModL < LL: see STROBILE] 1. CONE (n. 3) 2. STROBILA (sense 1) … English World dictionary
Strobilus — A strobilus (plural strobili) is an organ of many plants that contains the reproductive structures. Strobili are ordinarily called cones in many of these groups. Strobili are characterized by a central axis (anatomically a stem) surrounded by… … Wikipedia
strobilus — , plural strobili. Reproductive structure of gymnosperms and some cryptogams such as Selaginella; organized collection of sporophylls on a central axis. See also cone, megasporangiate strobilus, microsporangiate strobilus … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
strobilus — /stroh buy leuhs/, n., pl. strobili / luy/. Bot. 1. a reproductive structure characterized by overlapping scalelike parts, as a pine cone or the fruit of the hop. 2. a conelike structure composed of sporophylls, as of the club mosses and… … Universalium
Strobilus — Stro|bi|lus der; , ...li <aus nlat. strobilus »Fruchtzapfen«, dies aus gr. stróbilos »Kreisel«> Zapfen (bei Nadelhölzern; Bot.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
strobilus — stro•bi•lus [[t]stroʊˈbaɪ ləs[/t]] also stro•bile [[t]ˈstroʊ baɪl, bɪl[/t]] n. pl. bi•li( bī′lī) also biles. 1) bot (boi pln) a reproductive structure characterized by overlapping scalelike parts, as a pine cone or the fruit of the hop 2) bot… … From formal English to slang
strobilus theory — noun : a theory in evolutionary botany: the sporophyte of the vascular plant derives from a primitive form resembling or equivalent to a strobilus of sporophylls … Useful english dictionary