strike out

strike out
[ʹstraıkʹaʋt] phr v
1. набрасываться (с кулаками, с оружием)

to strike out wildly - беспорядочно размахивать кулаками

to strike out right and left - наносить удары направо и налево

to strike out from the shoulder - бить сплеча

2. 1) быстро двигаться; мчаться; поспешно продвигаться

the swimmer struck out strongly for the beach - пловец устремился к берегу

she struck out for the bus spot - она помчалась к автобусной остановке

to strike out boldly into uncharted sea - смело отправиться в дорогу по нехоженому пути

2) двигать руками и ногами (при плавании); перебирать ногами (при катании на велосипеде, на коньках)
3. вычеркнуть

the offending parts of the article have been struck out - нежелательные места были вычеркнуты /исключены/ из статьи

strike out any questions which do not apply - снимите все вопросы, которые не относятся к делу

to strike smb. out of one's will - вычеркнуть кого-л. из завещания /из числа наследников/

4. изобрести, придумать

to strike out a new idea - изобрести /придумать/ новый план

to strike out a line for oneself, to strike out a line of one's own - быть оригинальным /самобытным/; идти своим путём

5. набросать план; сделать рабочий чертёж
6. мор. поднимать из трюма и спускать на стенку
7. спорт. выбить в аут (бейсбол)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую


Смотреть что такое "strike out" в других словарях:

  • Strike Out — Strike Out, (1969 1998), North American Harness racing champion Strike Out was born in 1969 at Castleton Farm in Lexington, Kentucky, and is by Bret Hanover out of the mare Golden Miss.He was purchased at a yearling auction for $15,000 by Beejay… …   Wikipedia

  • strike out — N. Amer. informal be unsuccessful. → strike strike out start out on a new or independent course. → strike …   English new terms dictionary

  • strike out — {v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. * /John misspelled corollary. He struck it out and wrote it correctly./ 2. To begin to follow a new path or a course of action… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strike out — {v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. * /John misspelled corollary. He struck it out and wrote it correctly./ 2. To begin to follow a new path or a course of action… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • strike out — Out Out (out), n. 1. One who, or that which, is out; especially, one who is out of office; generally in the plural. [1913 Webster] 2. A place or space outside of something; a nook or corner; an angle projecting outward; an open space; chiefly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strike out — index annul, deface, delete, edit, eliminate (eradicate), eradicate, expunge, expurgate …   Law dictionary

  • strike out — [v] leave to begin new venture bear, begin, get under way*, head, initiate, light out*, make, set out, start, start out, take off*; concept 195 Ant. remain, stay …   New thesaurus

  • strike|out — «STRYK OWT», noun. 1. Baseball. a) an out earned by a pitcher throwing three strikes against a batter. b) the act of striking out: »“Casey at the Bat,” which builds up to one of the biggest letdowns in all literature Casey s strikeout with two… …   Useful english dictionary

  • strike out — the old phone number Syn: delete, cross out, erase, rub out …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • strike-out — → ponche, 2 …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • strike out — phrasal verb Word forms strike out : present tense I/you/we/they strike out he/she/it strikes out present participle striking out past tense struck out past participle struck out 1) [intransitive] to start doing something new or different,… …   English dictionary

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