- strigil
- [ʹstrıdʒıl] n
лопаточка, щётка для растирания тела после ванны (у древних римлян)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
strigil — STRIGÍL s. n. 1. raclor cu care romanii râcâiau murdăria de pe piele după întrecerile sportive sau în timpul băii. 2. canelură în formă de strigil (1), motiv decorativ frecvent mai ales pe sarcofage. (< fr. strigile, lat. strigilis) Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Strigil — Strig il, n. [L. strigilis, from stringere to graze, scrape.] (Gr. & Rom. Antiq.) An instrument of metal, ivory, etc., used for scraping the skin at the bath. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strigil — (n.) ancient tool for scraping the skin after a bath, 1580s, from L. strigilis horse comb, from stringere (1) draw along a surface, graze, wound, strip off, rub, from PIE root *streig (Cf. L. striga stroke, strike, furrow, stria furrow, channel;… … Etymology dictionary
strigil — strìgīl m <G strigíla> DEFINICIJA pov. brončana ili željezna strugalica kojom su antički atlete s tijela skidali prljavštinu ETIMOLOGIJA lat. strigilis … Hrvatski jezični portal
strigil — [strij′əl] n. [L strigilis: see STRIKE] an instrument of bone, metal, etc. used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for scraping the skin during a bath … English World dictionary
Strigil — A strigil was a small, curved, metal tool used in ancient Greece and Rome to scrape dirt and sweat from the body before effective soaps became available. First perfumed oil was applied to the skin, and then it would be scraped off, along with the … Wikipedia
strigil — noun Etymology: Latin strigilis; akin to Latin stringere to touch lightly Date: 1581 an instrument used by ancient Greeks and Romans for scraping moisture off the skin after bathing or exercising … New Collegiate Dictionary
strigil — n. [L. strigilis, scraper] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. A curved structure at the apex of the fore tibia of many insects that functions as a scraper, a tibial comb or antenna cleaner. 2. In some Hemiptera, a currycomb like structure situated on the… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
strigil — strigilate /strij euh lit, layt /, adj. /strij euhl/, n. an instrument with a curved blade, used esp. by the ancient Greeks and Romans for scraping the skin at the bath and in the gymnasium. [1575 85; < L strigilis, akin to stringere to touch… … Universalium
strigil — noun a grooming tool used to scrape away dead skin, oil, dirt, etc … Wiktionary
STRIGIL — See ATHLETICS … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans