- stridulate
- [ʹstrıdjʋleıt] v
скрипеть; трещать; стрекотать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Stridulate — Strid u*late, v. t. [See {Stridulous}.] To make a shrill, creaking noise; specifically (Zo[ o]l.), to make a shrill or musical sound, such as is made by the males of many insects. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stridulate — [strij′ə lāt΄] vi. stridulated, stridulating [< ModL stridulatus, pp. of stridulare < L stridulus: see STRIDULOUS] to make a shrill grating or chirping sound by rubbing certain body parts together, as certain insects do stridulation n.… … English World dictionary
stridulate — intransitive verb ( lated; lating) Etymology: back formation from stridulation, from French, high pitched sound, from Latin stridulus shrill Date: 1838 to make a shrill creaking noise by rubbing together special bodily structures used especially… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stridulate — stridulation, n. stridulatory /strij euh leuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /strij euh layt /, v.i., stridulated, stridulating. to produce a shrill, grating sound, as a cricket does, by rubbing together certain parts of the body; shrill. [1830 40; back … Universalium
stridulate — verb /stɹɪdjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ To make a high pitched chirping, grating, hissing, or squeaking sound, as male crickets and grasshoppers do, by rubbing certain body parts together. A window was open, and the crickets were stridulating at an ominous speed … Wiktionary
stridulate — [ strɪdjʊleɪt] verb (of an insect, especially a male cricket or grasshopper) make a shrill sound by rubbing the legs, wings, or other parts of the body together. Derivatives stridulant adjective stridulation noun stridulatory adjective Origin C19 … English new terms dictionary
stridulate — strid·u·late … English syllables
stridulate — strid•u•late [[t]ˈstrɪdʒ əˌleɪt[/t]] v. i. lat•ed, lat•ing anb to produce a shrill, grating sound by rubbing together certain parts of the body: crickets stridulating[/ex] • Etymology: 1830–40; < L strīdul(us) making a shrill sound (der.… … From formal English to slang
stridulate — /ˈstrɪdʒəleɪt / (say strijuhlayt) verb (i) (stridulated, stridulating) to produce a shrill grating sound, as a cricket, by rubbing together certain parts of the body; shrill. {backformation from stridulation, from Latin stridulus croaking,… …
stridulate — v.intr. (of insects, esp. the cicada and grasshopper) make a shrill sound by rubbing esp. the legs or wing cases together. Derivatives: stridulant adj. stridulation n. Etymology: F striduler f. L stridulus creaking (as STRIDENT) … Useful english dictionary
Beetle — Beetles redirects here. For the band, see The Beatles. For the car, see Volkswagen Beetle. This article is about the insect. For other uses, see Beetle (disambiguation). Beetle Temporal range: 318–0 Ma … Wikipedia