- stretchy
- [ʹstretʃı] a разг.
1. эластичный, легко растягивающийся2. тянущийся (о ткани)3. любящий потягиваться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
stretchy — [strech′ē] adj. stretchier, stretchiest 1. that can be stretched; elastic 2. tending to stretch too far … English World dictionary
stretchy — UK [ˈstretʃɪ] / US adjective Word forms stretchy : adjective stretchy comparative stretchier superlative stretchiest stretchy cloth or clothing can be stretched and will go back to its original shape … English dictionary
stretchy — stretch|y [ˈstretʃi] adj informal material that is stretchy can stretch when you pull it and then return to its original shape ▪ stretchy cotton leggings … Dictionary of contemporary English
stretchy — adjective material that is stretchy can stretch when you pull it and then return to its original shape: stretchy cotton leggings … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stretchy — adj. Stretchy is used with these nouns: ↑fabric … Collocations dictionary
stretchy — stretch|y [ stretʃi ] adjective stretchy cloth or clothing can be stretched and will go back to its original shape … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stretchy — [[t]stre̱tʃi[/t]] stretchier, stretchiest ADJ GRADED Stretchy material is slightly elastic and stretches easily … English dictionary
stretchy — stretch ► VERB 1) (of something soft or elastic) be made or be able to be made longer or wider without tearing or breaking. 2) pull (something) tightly from one point to another. 3) extend one s body or a part of one s body to its full length. 4) … English terms dictionary
stretchy — adjective see stretch I … New Collegiate Dictionary
stretchy — stretchiness, n. /strech ee/, adj., stretchier, stretchiest. 1. having a tendency to stretch, esp. excessively or unduly. 2. capable of being stretched; elastic. 3. (esp. of a pig) having a long body. [1850 55; STRETCH + Y1] * * * … Universalium
stretchy — adjective Capable of stretching, elastic … Wiktionary