stress testing

stress testing
stress testing
1> _мед. эоектрокардиограмма, снятая во время физических
упражнений с нагрузкой (на бегущей дорожке и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stress testing" в других словарях:

  • Stress testing — is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. Stress testing may have a more specific… …   Wikipedia

  • Stress Testing — A simulation technique used on asset and liability portfolios to determine their reactions to different financial situations. Stress tests are also used to gauge how certain stressors will affect a company or industry. They are usually computer… …   Investment dictionary

  • stress testing — Usually called stress testing but also known as stress analysis or stress scenario analysis. Modeling a series of unusual, hypothetical events or scenarios. Stress tests may model the impact of extreme market conditions, or they may model the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Stress testing (software) — In software testing, stress testing refers to tests that determine the robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of normal operation. Stress testing is particularly important for mission critical software, but is used for all types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Stress testing, exercise cardiac — The exercise cardiac stress testing (ECST) is the most widely used cardiac (heart) screening test. The patient exercises on a treadmill according to a standardized protocol, with progressive increases in the speed and elevation of the treadmill… …   Medical dictionary

  • Stress Testing — (стрессовый тест) процесс, используемый для оценки способности секьюритизируемых активов при различных стрессовых экономических сценариях генерировать достаточно средств для осуществления выплаты основного долга и процентов. Такие сценарии… …   Ипотека. Словарь терминов

  • stress testing — A method of risk analysis in which simulations are used to estimate the impact of worst case situations. It is commonly used by regulators, rating agencies, and financial institutions, which base their simulations on both historical and… …   Accounting dictionary

  • stress testing — A method of risk analysis in which simulations are used to estimate the impact of worst case situations. It is commonly used by regulators, rating agencies, and financial institutions, which base their simulations on both historical and… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Cardiac stress testing, exercise — The exercise cardiac stress testing (ECST) is the most widely used cardiac (heart) screening test. The patient exercises on a treadmill according to a standardized protocol, with progressive increases in the speed and elevation of the treadmill… …   Medical dictionary

  • Exercise cardiac stress testing — The most widely used cardiac (heart) screening test. The patient exercises on a treadmill according to a standardized protocol, with progressive increases in the speed and elevation of the treadmill (typically changing at three minute intervals) …   Medical dictionary

  • Radionuclide stress testing — This procedure involves injecting a radioactive isotope (typically thallium or cardiolyte) into the patient’s vein after which an image of the patient’s heart becomes visible with a special camera. The radioactive isotopes are absorbed by the… …   Medical dictionary

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