
[ʹstreıt͵dʒækıt] n
1) смирительная рубашка

to put smb. into a straitjacket, to put a straitjacket on smb. - надеть на кого-л. смирительную рубашку

2) что-л. стесняющее развитие, движение и т. п.; оковы, путы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "straitjacket" в других словарях:

  • straitjacket — [strāt′jak΄it] n. 1. a coatlike device that binds the arms tight against the body: used to restrain persons in a violent state 2. anything that confines or limits vt. to confine or restrict with or as with a straitjacket …   English World dictionary

  • straitjacket — (also straightjacket) ► NOUN 1) a strong garment with long sleeves which can be tied together to confine the arms of a violent prisoner or mental patient. 2) a severe restriction …   English terms dictionary

  • Straitjacket — A straitjacket is a garment shaped like a jacket with overlong sleeves. The ends of these can be tied to the back of the wearer, so that the arms are kept close to the chest with possibility of only little movement. Although straitjacket is the… …   Wikipedia

  • straitjacket — [[t]stre͟ɪtʤækɪt[/t]] straitjackets 1) N COUNT A straitjacket is a special jacket used to tie the arms of a violent person tightly around their body. Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket.… …   English dictionary

  • straitjacket — UK [ˈstreɪtˌdʒækɪt] / US [ˈstreɪtˌdʒækət] noun [countable] Word forms straitjacket : singular straitjacket plural straitjackets 1) a jacket with very long arms that can be tied behind the back of someone who is violent to stop them from harming… …   English dictionary

  • straitjacket — I. noun also straightjacket Date: 1814 1. a cover or overgarment of strong material (as canvas) used to bind the body and especially the arms closely in restraining a violent prisoner or patient 2. something that restricts or confines like a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • straitjacket — /strayt jak it/, n. 1. a garment made of strong material and designed to bind the arms, as of a violently disoriented person. 2. anything that severely confines, constricts, or hinders: Conventional attitudes can be a straitjacket, preventing… …   Universalium

  • straitjacket — 1. noun a) A jacket like garment with very long sleeves which can be secured in place, thus preventing the wearer from moving his or her arms. Often used in psychiatric hospitals to prevent patients from injuring themselves or others. [I]f we… …   Wiktionary

  • straitjacket — noun 1. anything immaterial that severely hinders or confines they defected because Russian dance was in a straitjacket the government is operating in an economic straitjacket • Hypernyms: ↑hindrance, ↑hinderance, ↑deterrent, ↑impediment, ↑balk …   Useful english dictionary

  • straitjacket — strait|jack|et straightjacket [ˈstreıtˌdʒækıt] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: strait narrow, tight ( STRAIT) + jacket] 1.) a special piece of clothing that prevents someone from moving their arms, used to control someone who is being violent or, in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • straitjacket — strait|jack|et [ streıt,dʒækət ] noun count 1. ) a jacket with very long arms that can be tied behind the back of someone who is violent to stop them from harming anyone 2. ) something that limits someone s freedom to do something: The company is …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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