- stonkered
- [ʹstɒŋkəd] a австрал. сл.
1. побеждённый, побитый; уничтоженный; свергнутый2. истощённый; усталый, без сил
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
stonkered — [“stonka^d] 1. mod. killed. □ The car crashed into him and he was stonkered for sure. □ He was stonkered before the plane hit the ground. 2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ My buddy here is stonkered and needs a ride, and can I have one, too? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
stonkered — 1: to be drunk or under the influence. 2: to be tired or fatigued. 3: to be full after a meal Oh man I m absolutely Stonkered … Dictionary of american slang
stonkered — 1: to be drunk or under the influence. 2: to be tired or fatigued. 3: to be full after a meal Oh man I m absolutely Stonkered … Dictionary of american slang
Stonkered — 1. defeated; destroyed; overthrown; 2. exhausted; 3. drunk; 4. extremely lethargic or incapacitated, as after a large meal … Dictionary of Australian slang
stonkered — Australian Slang 1. defeated; destroyed; overthrown; 2. exhausted; 3. drunk; 4. extremely lethargic or incapacitated, as after a large meal … English dialects glossary
stonkered — stonk|ered [ staŋkərd ] adjective AUSTRALIAN INFORMAL 1. ) extremely tired 2. ) extremely drunk … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stonkered — adj a. drunk b. destroyed, out of action, devastated or exhausted. (For the probable derivation see stonker.) … Contemporary slang
stonkered — adjective Austral./NZ informal utterly exhausted or defeated. ↘drunk. Origin 1920s: from Scots and north. Engl. stonk game of marbles , perh. of imitative origin … English new terms dictionary
stonkered — adjective AustrE informal very tired … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stonkered — Adj. Very intoxicated with drink or drugs. Orig. Aust./N.Z … English slang and colloquialisms
stonkered — UK [ˈstɒŋkə(r)d] / US [ˈstɑŋkərd] adjective Australian informal 1) extremely tired 2) extremely drunk … English dictionary