- stomp
- 1. [stɒmp] n
1) топот2) танец с притопами3) стомп (род джаза)2. [stɒmp] v1) топать2) плясать с притопами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Stomp — may refer to: *Stomp (strike), a downwards kick using the heel * Stomp (Steps song), a 2000 song by British pop group Steps *Stomp (dance troupe), who present a percussive physical theatre show * Stomp! , a 1979 song by The Brothers Johnson… … Wikipedia
Stomp — es un tipo de tema musical, con ritmo rápido, cuyo compás se acentúa golpeando el suelo con el pie. Fue muy popular en el jazz tradicional y en la época del Swing. Son numerosos los temas de jazz que incorporan referencias a esta forma de llevar… … Wikipedia Español
stomp´er — stomp «stomp», verb, noun. –v.t., v.i. to stamp with the foot: »In Luxembourg we first met the custom of hearing the audience stomp their feet in addition to applauding for numbers they really liked (Musical America). –n. 1. the act of stomping.… … Useful english dictionary
Stomp — Stomp, v. i. [See {Stamp}.] To stamp with the foot. [Colloq.] In gallant procession, the priests mean to stomp. R. Browning. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stomp on — [phrasal verb] stomp on (someone or something) : to step on (something or someone) very forcefully He stomped on the bug. The elephant almost stomped on them. I stomped on the brakes. • • • Main Entry: ↑stomp … Useful english dictionary
Stomp — est le nom d une troupe de 8 artistes réalisant un spectacle musical. Ces musiciens utilisent des objets de la vie courante comme percussions tels que des éviers, des chaises ou encore des balais. Ils montent un spectacle impressionnant autant au … Wikipédia en Français
stomp — STAMP/ s. n. 1. formă muzicală primitivă, pentru pian, din care s a născut jazul. 2. piesă bine ritmată din jazul tradiţional. (< amer. stomp) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
stomp — [stɔmp US sta:mp] v [I always + adverb/preposition] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: stamp] to walk with heavy steps or to put your foot down very hard, especially because you are angry = ↑stamp ▪ Alex stomped angrily out of the meeting. stomp on ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Stomp — [stɔmp, ʃt...] der; [s] <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. stomp, eigtl. »das Stampfen«>: 1. ein afroamerik. Tanz. 2. im Jazz eine melodisch rhythmische Technik, bei der der fortlaufenden Melodie eine rhythmische Formel zugrunde gelegt wird … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
stomp — stȍmp m DEFINICIJA glazb. 1. pov. prvobitno ples američkih Crnaca 2. kasnije, sinonim za swing (2) 3. u razdoblju tradicionalnog jazza interpretacija u brzom tempu s naglašenim ritmom ETIMOLOGIJA engl. stomp … Hrvatski jezični portal
stomp — stomp; stomp·er; … English syllables