- stockjobber
- [ʹstɒk͵dʒɒbə] n
1) биржевой маклер, совершающий операции за собственный счёт2) амер. пренебр. торговец ценными бумагами (часто обесцененными)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
stockjobber — stock‧job‧ber [ˈstɒkˌdʒɑbə ǁ ˈstɑːkˌdʒɑːbər] noun [countable] COMMERCE another name for jobber * * * stockjobber UK US /ˈstɒkˌdʒɒbər/ noun [C] COMMERCE ► JOBBER(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms
Stockjobber — Stock job ber, n. [Stock + job.] One who speculates in stocks for gain; one whose occupation is to buy and sell stocks. In England a jobber acts as an intermediary between brokers. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stockjobber — Stockjobber, s. Stock und Jobber … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Stockjobber — (engl.), s. Jobber … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
stockjobber — [stäk′jäb΄ər] n. ☆ 1. a stockbroker, esp. one engaged in irregular trading: often used contemptuously 2. Brit. until the late 1980s, a member of a stock exchange who dealt only with brokers, and not the general public stockjobbery n. stockjobbing … English World dictionary
Stockjobber — Stock|job|ber 〈[stɔ̣kdʒɔbə(r)] m. 3〉 Börsenspekulant, Aktienhändler [engl.] * * * Stock|job|ber [ stɔk...], der [engl. stockjobber, aus: stock (Stock Exchange) u. jobber, ↑Jobber]: Händler an der Londoner Börse, der nur Geschäfte für eigene… … Universal-Lexikon
Stockjobber — Stock|job|ber, auch Stọck Job|ber [...dʒɔbɐ] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. stockjobber, zu jobber, vgl. ↑Jobber> Händler an der Londoner Börse, der nur Geschäfte für eigene Rechnung abschließen darf (Börsenw.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
stockjobber — noun Date: 1604 one who deals in stocks: as a. a member of the London Stock Exchange who deals speculatively with brokers or other jobbers and usually specializes in one class of securities called also jobber b. usually disparaging stockbroker … New Collegiate Dictionary
Stockjobber — Stockjobbers were institutions that acted as market makers in the London Stock Exchange. Prior to the Big Bang in 1986, every stock traded on the Exchange passed through a jobber s book, where they acted as intermediaries between stockbrokers.… … Wikipedia
stockjobber — stockjobbery, stockjobbing, n. /stok job euhr/, n. 1. a stock salesperson, esp. one who sells or promotes worthless securities. 2. Brit. a stock exchange operator who acts as an intermediary between brokers. [1620 30; STOCK + JOBBER] * * * … Universalium
stockjobber — noun a) A stock exchange operator who deals only with brokers. b) An unscrupulous stockbroker … Wiktionary