- stereophotogrammetry
- [͵sterıəfəʋtəʹgræmıtrı] n спец.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
stereophotogrammetry — stereofotogrametrija statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Mokslas, kuris tiria erdvinių figūrų, pvz., vietovės reljefo, matavimų metodus remdamasis vaizdų stereoporų nagrinėjimu. atitikmenys: angl. stereophotogrammetry vok … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
stereophotogrammetry — stereofotogrammetrija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stereophotogrammetry vok. Stereophotogrammetrie, f rus. стереофотограмметрия, f pranc. stéréophotogrammétrie, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
stereophotogrammetry — stereo·photogrammetry … English syllables
stereophotogrammetry — “+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary stere + photogrammetry : photogrammetry involving the use of stereoscopic photographs … Useful english dictionary
stereophotogrammetric — |sterēə, |stir + adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary stereophotogrammetry + ic : of or relating to stereophotogrammetry stereophotogrammetric methods … Useful english dictionary
Photogrammetry — is the first remote sensing technology ever developed, in which geometric properties about objects are determined from photographic images. Historically, photogrammetry is as old as modern photography itself, and can be dated to mid nineteenth… … Wikipedia
Skylab 3 — Infobox Space mission mission name = Skylab II insignia = Skylab2 Patch.png sign = Skylab 3 crew members = 3 launch pad = Kennedy Space Center, Florida LC 39B launch = July 28, 1973 11:10:50 UTC landing = September 25, 1973 22:19:51 UTC… … Wikipedia
Cloud top — Mountains often reach above the cloud top The cloud top (or the top of the cloud) is the highest altitude of the visible portion of the cloud. It is traditionally expressed either in metres above the Earth (or planetary) surface, or as the… … Wikipedia
Стереофотограмметрия — (a. stereophotogrammetry; н. Stereophotogrammetrie; ф. stereophotogrammetrie; и. estereofotogrametria) раздел Фотограмметрии, изучающий геом. свойства стереопар фотоснимков и методы определения размеров, формы и пространств, положения… … Геологическая энциклопедия
art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… … Universalium
Collective animal behavior — Sort sol. Starling flock at sunset in Denmark Collective animal behavior describes the coordinated behavior of large groups of similar animals and the emergent properties of these groups. Facets of this topic include the costs and benefits of… … Wikipedia