- starflower
- [ʹstɑ:͵flaʋə] n
цветок со звездообразным венчиком
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Starflower — may refer to:;Plants * Borage ( Borago officinalis ) An annual herb from Syria, naturalized in much of Europe, North Africa, and Iran * Calytrix , a shrub of the myrtle family, native to Australia * Trientalis , shrubs of the primrose family… … Wikipedia
starflower — [stär′flou΄ər] n. 1. any of a genus (Trientalis) of small woodland plants of the primrose family, with white or pink, five petaled, star shaped flowers 2. any of various other plants with star shaped flowers, as the star of Bethlehem … English World dictionary
starflower — noun Date: 1629 any of several plants having star shaped pentamerous flowers; especially any of a genus (Trientalis, especially T. borealis) of perennial herbs of the primrose family … New Collegiate Dictionary
starflower — /stahr flow euhr/, n. any of several plants having starlike flowers, as the star of Bethlehem or a plant belonging to the genus Trientalis of the primrose family. [1620 30; STAR + FLOWER] * * * … Universalium
starflower — noun Any of several annual herbs, of the genus Trientalis, having white star shaped leaves … Wiktionary
starflower — star•flow•er [[t]ˈstɑrˌflaʊ ər[/t]] n. pln any of several plants having starlike flowers, as the star of Bethlehem or any plant belonging to the genus Trientalis of the primrose family • Etymology: 1620–30 … From formal English to slang
starflower — noun common Old World herb having grasslike leaves and clusters of star shaped white flowers with green stripes; naturalized in the eastern United States • Syn: ↑sleepy dick, ↑summer snowflake, ↑Ornithogalum umbellatum • Hypernyms: ↑star of… … Useful english dictionary
spring starflower — noun : a spring blooming onion scented Argentine herb (Spheion uniflora) of the family Amaryllidaceae that is often cultivated for its bluish white flowers … Useful english dictionary
Trientalis borealis — ID 85366 Symbol Key TRBO2 Common Name starflower Family Primulaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution CA, CT, DC, DE, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR … USDA Plant Characteristics
List of garden plants — This is a partial list of garden plants, plants that can be cultivated in the garden, listed alphabetically by genus.See also: * List of plants by common name NOTOC A * Abelia * Abeliophyllum (white forsythia) * Abelmoschus (okra) * Abies (fir) * … Wikipedia
Karner Blue — Taxobox name = Karner Blue image width = 240px status = G2 status system = TNC regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Lycaenidae genus = Lycaeides species = L. melissa subspecies = L. m. samuelis… … Wikipedia