- starchy
- [ʹstɑ:tʃı] a
1. крахмалистый, крахмальный, содержащий крахмал2. = starched 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
starchy — stär chē adj, starch·i·er; est containing, consisting of, or resembling starch <starchy foods> … Medical dictionary
starchy — starch y ( [y^]), a. 1. Of or pertaining to starch. [PJC] 2. Containing or consisting of starch; used especially of foods. [PJC] 3. Resembling starch; stiff. [1913 Webster] 4. Stiffened by use of starch; starched[1]; of clothing. [PJC] 5. Formal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
starchy — index rigid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
starchy — 1802, from STARCH (Cf. starch) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
starchy — [adj] formal, stiff ceremonious, conventional, inflexible, mannered, prim, reserved, rigid, starched*, stilted, strait laced, strict, stuffy*; concept 401 … New thesaurus
starchy — ► ADJECTIVE (starchier, starchiest) 1) (of food) containing a lot of starch. 2) (of clothing) stiff with starch. 3) informal very stiff, formal, or prim in manner or character. DERIVATIVES starchily adverb starchiness noun … English terms dictionary
starchy — [stär′chē] adj. starchier, starchiest 1. of, containing, or like starch 2. stiffened with starch 3. stiff; formal; unbending starchily adv. starchiness n … English World dictionary
starchy — UK [ˈstɑː(r)tʃɪ] / US [ˈstɑrtʃɪ] adjective Word forms starchy : adjective starchy comparative starchier superlative starchiest 1) starchy foods have a lot of starch in them 2) used for describing a person who is very formal and does not show much … English dictionary
starchy — adjective (starchier; est) Date: 1802 1. containing, consisting of, or resembling starch < starchy foods > 2. formal, stiff < a starchy lawyer > • starchily adverb • starchiness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
starchy — starch|y [ˈsta:tʃi US ˈsta:r ] adj 1.) containing a lot of ↑starch 1(1) ▪ starchy foods 2.) BrE very formal and correct in your behaviour used in order to show disapproval ▪ She spoke in a rather starchy manner. >starchily adv >starchiness … Dictionary of contemporary English
starchy — [[t]stɑ͟ː(r)tʃi[/t]] starchier, starchiest ADJ GRADED Starchy foods contain a lot of starch. ...starchy and sticky glutinous rices … English dictionary