- standee
- [stænʹdi:] n амер. разг.
1) стоящий пассажир2) театр. зритель на стоячих местах
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
standee — ☆ standee [stan dē′ ] n. a person who stands, usually because there are no vacant seats, as on a bus … English World dictionary
Standee — A theatrical standee is a large self standing display promoting a movie. They are typically made of cardboard, and may range from large self standing posters to three dimensional devices with moving parts and lights.Standees are typically… … Wikipedia
standee — noun a) Somebody who is forced to stand, for example on a crowded bus. He took a picture of me with a standee of Darth Vader at the premiere of Episode 3. b) A life size shape, for instance of a celebrity, cut out of cardboard, often used for… … Wiktionary
standee — n. someone who must stand (at some event). □ There were about forty standees in addition to the full house. □ Can I get in as a standee, or do I have to wait for the next showing? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
standee — noun Date: 1856 a standing person ; one who occupies standing room … New Collegiate Dictionary
standee — /stan dee /, n. a person who stands, as a passenger in a train, a spectator at a theater, etc., either because all the seats are taken or because standing room is cheaper than a seat. [1820 30, Amer.; STAND + EE] * * * … Universalium
standee — stand·ee || stæn dÉªË n. one who stands because there are no empty seats or because it is cheaper to stand … English contemporary dictionary
standee — [stan di:] noun chiefly N. Amer. a person who is standing … English new terms dictionary
standee — stand·ee … English syllables
standee — stand•ee [[t]stænˈdi[/t]] n. a person who stands, as in a public conveyance, usu. because all seats are occupied • Etymology: 1855–60, amer … From formal English to slang
standee — n. colloq. a person who stands, esp. when all seats are occupied … Useful english dictionary