

1> _тех. автономный, не входящий в систему

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "standalone" в других словарях:

  • Standalone — (anglicisme qui signifie littéralement : « se tenir seul ») est un qualificatif qui indique qu un produit peut être utilisé seul, c est à dire sans modules ou connaissances complémentaires. Sommaire 1 En jeux vidéo 2 En audio 3 En… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • standalone — UK US /ˈstændəˌləʊn/ adjective [before noun] ► IT standalone software or a standalone computer works on its own without being part of a set, or without being connected to other computers: »a standalone version of the software » a standalone… …   Financial and business terms

  • Standalone — A standalone entity is something that has no dependencies; it can stand alone . Standalone may also refer to the following topics:*Standalone software is software that can be run without installation *the standalone attribute in XML *a standalone …   Wikipedia

  • standalone — stand|a|lone [ˈstændələun US loun] adj [only before noun] 1.) a standalone computer works on its own without being part of a network 2.) a standalone company is one that is not part of a larger company >standalone n …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • standalone — stand·a·lone (stăndʹə lōn ) adj. Self contained and usually independently operating: a standalone computer terminal. * * * …   Universalium

  • standalone — adjective technical a standalone computer works on its own without being part of a network 1 (4) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Standalone server — Standalone servers are compilations of programs that run on a single PC, but emulates what the same set of programs will do when run on a server over the Internet. They usually contain a web server (such as the Apache HTTP Server), one or more… …   Wikipedia

  • Standalone-System —   [dt. »allein stehendes System«], Computer, der nicht ständig in Verbindung mit anderen Computern steht, also nicht zu einem Netzwerk gehört. Er wird also nur als Einzelsystem genutzt. Ein Online Zugang, etwa zum Internet per Modem, ändert… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • standalone brand — UK US noun [C] COMMERCE, MARKETING ► a product with a brand that is not related to the name of the company that makes it, or to their other brands: »The high street retailer successfully launched its top selling product as a standalone brand …   Financial and business terms

  • Standalone program — In early computers, standalone program was a computer program designed to run on a computer without an operating system. Standalone programs had to be loaded by the same booting procedure that is also used to load an operating system.Standalone… …   Wikipedia

  • Standalone Risk — The risk associated with a single operating unit of a company or asset. Standalone involves the risks created by a specific division or project, which would not exist if operations in that area were to cease. Standalone risk measures the dangers… …   Investment dictionary

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