stairstep — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: stair + step 1. : a step in a flight of stairs 2. stairsteps plural : a flight of stairs II. intransitive verb : to move up or down like the steps in a stairway … Useful english dictionary
stairstep — /stair step /, n., v., stairstepped, stairstepping, adj. n. 1. a step in a staircase. 2. stairsteps, stairs; a staircase. 3. a person or thing whose position, status, behavior, or the like suggests the shape or rise of the steps in a staircase:… … Universalium
Stairstep breakaway plan — This type of Network Marketing compensation plan is characterized byhaving representatives who are responsible for both personal and group sales volumes. Volume is created by recruiting and by retailing product. Various discounts or rebates may… … Wikipedia
Stairstep interpolation — In image processing, stairstep interpolation is a general method for interpolating the pixels after enlarging an image. The key idea is to interpolate multiple times in small increments using any interpolation algorithm that is better than… … Wikipedia
stairstep — stair′step or stair′ step n. v. stepped, step•ping, adj. 1) cvb bui a step in a staircase 2) bui stairsteps, stairs; a staircase 3) cvb Often, stairsteps. a group of persons or things whose relative size, height, etc., suggests the graduated… … From formal English to slang
Waterfalls of the West Fork Foss River Valley — The valley of the West Fork Foss River[1] contains a fair amount of waterfalls. The river heads in a series of large lakes: Big Heart Lake, Angeline Lake, and Otter Lake which form spectacular waterfalls as they plunge down to Delta Lake. On the… … Wikipedia
Sudoku — (jap. 数独 Sūdoku, kurz für 数字は独身に限る Sūji wa dokushin ni kagiru, wörtlich so viel wie „Isolieren Sie die Zahlen“) ist ein Logikrätsel und ähnelt lateinischen Quadraten. In der üblichen Version ist es das Ziel, ein 9×9 Gitter mit den Ziffern 1 bis 9 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Padé table — In complex analysis, a Padé table is an array, possibly of infinite extent, of the rational Padé approximants : R m , n to a given complex formal power series. Certain sequences of approximants lying within a Padé table can often be shown to… … Wikipedia
cascade — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. waterfall (See water). II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. waterfall, watercourse, rapids, cataract; see water 2 , waterfall . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) I n. waterfall, shower, cataract, falls, deluge,… … English dictionary for students
stair|step — «STAIR STEHP», noun, adjective. –n. 1. one of the steps in a flight of stairs; stair. 2. Informal. one of a number of siblings differing in age and height by regular intervals. –adj. 1. arranged like steps in a flight of stairs: »Stairstep… … Useful english dictionary
Catalan number — For names of numbers in Catalan, see List of numbers in various languages#Occitano Romance. In combinatorial mathematics, the Catalan numbers form a sequence of natural numbers that occur in various counting problems, often involving recursively… … Wikipedia