
I [ʹsteıdʒıŋ] n
1. 1) постановка (пьесы)
2) инсценировка (романа)
2. путешествие в почтовой карете, дилижансе
3. стр. подмости, леса
II [ʹsteıdʒıŋ] n
1. воен.
1) сосредоточение войск (перед посадкой на суда или самолёты)
2) сбор десантных высадочных средств

staging of supplies - сосредоточение материальных средств (перед погрузкой)

2. реакт.
1) расположение ступеней (многоступенчатой ракеты)
2) отделение ступеней (ракеты); сбрасывание ненужных элементов (конструкции)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "staging" в других словарях:

  • Staging — may refer to: * Staging (rocketry) * Cancer staging * Staging (theatre) * Staging (stagecoaches), the business of running stagecoaches or the act of journeying in them * Staging area, an area used to prepare a military mission or a war * Staging… …   Wikipedia

  • staging — ► NOUN 1) an instance or method of staging something. 2) a stage or set of stages or platforms for performers or between levels of scaffolding. 3) Brit. shelving for plants in a greenhouse …   English terms dictionary

  • Staging — Sta ging (st[=a] j[i^]ng), n. A structure of posts and boards for supporting workmen, etc., as in building. [1913 Webster] 2. The business of running stagecoaches; also, the act of journeying in stagecoaches. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Staging — [ßte̱ids̶c̶h̶ing; zu engl. stage = Bühne; Gerüst; Stadium] s; s, s: die Einstufung einer bösartigen Geschwulst in bezug auf den Grad ihrer Bösartigkeit anhand ihrer Ausbreitung …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • staging — (n.) to designate stopping place or assembly point, 1945, from STAGE (Cf. stage) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • staging — [stā′jiŋ] n. 1. a temporary structure used for support; scaffolding 2. the business of operating stagecoaches 3. travel by stagecoach 4. the act, process, or manner of presenting a play on the stage …   English World dictionary

  • Staging — Unter einer Stadienbestimmung (engl. staging) versteht man die Beurteilung von Tumoren, siehe Stadienbestimmung (Onkologie) die Klassifikation des Entwicklunggrades von Embryonen und Feten anhand äußerer Merkmale, siehe Stadienbestimmung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • staging — (STAY.jing) pp. Redecorating a home often using rented furnishings to make it appear more attractive to potential buyers. stager n. Example Citation: As the real estate industry has become increasingly sophisticated, the business of spiffing up… …   New words

  • staging — UK [ˈsteɪdʒɪŋ] / US noun Word forms staging : singular staging plural stagings 1) a) [uncountable] theatre the process of organizing a show in a theatre b) [countable] a particular production of a show 2) [uncountable] temporary structures for… …   English dictionary

  • staging — n. 1 the presentation of a play etc. 2 a a platform or support or scaffolding, esp. temporary. b shelves for plants in a greenhouse. Phrases and idioms: staging area an intermediate assembly point for troops in transit. staging post a regular… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Staging — Doing exams and tests to learn the extent of a cancer, especially whether it has spread from its original site to other parts of the body. * * * 1. The determination or classification of distinct phases or periods in the course of a disease or… …   Medical dictionary

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