- staghorn
- [ʹstæghɔ:n] n
1. 1) pl оленьи рога2) олений рог (материал)2. кораллы, растения и т. п., имеющие роговидные стебли или отростки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Staghorn — may refer to:*Staghorn coral, a branching coral *Rhus typhina, a shrub commonly called Staghorn sumac *Lycopodium clavatum, a moss commonly called Staghorn moss *Platycerium, a fern commonly called Staghorn fern *Pacific staghorn sculpin, a type… … Wikipedia
staghorn — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : a stag s horn used as a handle for a knife or for ornamental purposes 2. a. or staghorn moss : a club moss (Lycopodium clavatum) b. : staghorn fern … Useful english dictionary
staghorn — /stag hawrn /, n. 1. a piece of a stag s antler, esp. when used to form objects, decorations, or the like. 2. See sea staghorn. adj. 3. made of or decorated with staghorn: a knife with a staghorn handle. [1655 65; STAG + HORN] * * * … Universalium
staghorn coral — [stag′hôrn΄] n. any stony coral (esp. Madrepore cervicornis) having a structure that somewhat resembles the antlers of a stag: see CORAL … English World dictionary
staghorn fern — n. any of a genus (Platycerium, family Polypodiaceae) of epiphytic ferns with antler shaped fronds and smaller, round barren fronds that cling to branches, wood, etc. for support … English World dictionary
Staghorn coral — Taxobox name = Staghorn Coral regnum = Animalia phylum = Cnidaria classis = Anthozoa ordo = Scleractinia familia = Acroporidae genus = Acropora species = A. cervicornis binomial = Acropora cervicornis binomial authority = Lamarck, 1816The… … Wikipedia
Staghorn (He-Man) — Infobox He Man/She Ra Character Title=Staghorn Name=Staghorn Status=Alive Affiliation=Skeletor, Evil Mutants, Denebria Weapons=Battle antlers, Axe blaster Actor=Ted Cole|Staghorn is an action figure from the Mattel He Man toy line and a character … Wikipedia
staghorn fern — noun any of various tropical ferns of the genus Platycerium having large flat lobed fronds often resembling the antlers of a stag • Hypernyms: ↑fern • Hyponyms: ↑South American staghorn, ↑Platycerium andinum, ↑common staghorn fern, ↑elkhorn fern … Useful english dictionary
staghorn moss — noun a variety of club moss • Syn: ↑ground cedar, ↑Lycopodium complanatum • Hypernyms: ↑ground pine, ↑Christmas green * * * noun see staghorn 2a * * * staghorn moss … Useful english dictionary
staghorn fern — any of several epiphytic Old World ferns of the genus Platycerium, having broad, often antlerlike leaves and cultivated as a houseplant. [1880 85] * * * ▪ plant, genus Platycerium member of the genus Platycerium (family Polypodiaceae),… … Universalium
staghorn cholla — spalvingasis lazduvis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kaktusinių šeimos augalas (Cylindropuntia versicolor), paplitęs Arizonoje ir Sonoros dykumoje. atitikmenys: lot. Cylindropuntia versicolor angl. deerhorn cholla; staghorn cholla isp.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)