
1. [ʹstægə] n
1. пошатывание, шатание
2. тех. шахматное расположение (тж. blind staggers)
3. ав.
1) вынос крыла
2) эшелонирование
2. [ʹstægə] a
1. расположенный уступами
2. ав. эшелонированный уступами (о строе самолётов)
3. [ʹstægə] v
1. 1) идти шатаясь шататься, покачиваться

to stagger around /about/ - бродить пошатываясь; еле-еле брести без определённой цели

to stagger into a room - войти в комнату, пошатываясь

he staggered to his feet - он с трудом встал

2) расшатывать, лишать устойчивости
2. 1) колебаться, быть в нерешительности
2) поколебать, вызвать сомнения
3. ошеломлять; потрясать, поражать

to stagger the imagination - потрясать воображение

the price staggered him, he staggered at the price - цена ошеломила его

4. распределять, дифференцировать часы работы, отпуска и т. п.; составлять скользящий график

to stagger lunch hours - начинать обеденный перерыв по скользящему графику

to stagger city business hours to ameliorate traffic congestion - распределить часы работы так, чтобы избежать скопления транспорта в часы пик

the work is staggered in three shifts - работа разбита на три смены

5. тех. располагать в шахматном порядке; располагать ступенями, уступами
6. ав. эшелонировать уступами (строй самолётов)

to stagger along /on/ - идти вперёд, развиваться, несмотря на трудности

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Смотреть что такое "stagger" в других словарях:

  • Stagger — Stag ger ( g[ e]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Staggered} ( g[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Staggering}.] [OE. stakeren, Icel. stakra to push, to stagger, fr. staka to punt, push, stagger; cf. OD. staggeren to stagger. Cf. {Stake}, n.] 1. To move to one… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stagger — [stag′ər] vi. [ME stakeren < ON stakra, to totter, intens. of staka, to push (for IE base see STAKE): akin to & prob. infl. in form by MDu staggeren] 1. to move unsteadily, as though about to collapse; totter, sway, or reel, as from a blow,… …   English World dictionary

  • stagger — (v.) 1520s, altered from stakeren (c.1300), from O.N. stakra or O.Dan. stagra, both to push, stagger. Cognate with Du. staggelen to stagger, Ger. staggeln to stammer. Transitive sense of bewilder, amaze first recorded 1550s; that of arrange in a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Stagger — Stag ger, n. 1. An unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing, as if one were about to fall; a reeling motion; vertigo; often in the plural; as, the stagger of a drunken man. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. (Far.) A disease of horses and other… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stagger — Stag ger, v. t. 1. To cause to reel or totter. [1913 Webster] That hand shall burn in never quenching fire That staggers thus my person. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause to doubt and waver; to make to hesitate; to make less steady or confident;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stagger — [v1] walk falteringly alternate, careen, dither, falter, halt, hesitate, lurch, overlap, pitch, reel, shake, stammer, step, sway, swing, teeter, titubate, topple, totter, vacillate, waver, wheel, whiffle, wobble, zigzag; concept 151 stagger [v2]… …   New thesaurus

  • stagger — index overcome (overwhelm), vacillate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • stagger — vb *reel, whirl, totter Analogous words: sway, waver, fluctuate (see SWING): *stumble, lurch, blunder, flounder …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stagger — ► VERB 1) walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. 2) astonish. 3) spread over a period of time. 4) arrange (objects or parts) so that they are not in line. ► NOUN ▪ an act of staggering or a staggered arrangement. ORIGIN Old Norse …   English terms dictionary

  • stagger — v. 1) (D; intr.) to stagger from; into (to stagger into a room) 2) (D; intr.) to stagger out of (to stagger out of a building) 3) (R) it staggered me to learn of his defection 4) (misc.) to stagger to one s feet; to stagger under a heavy burden * …   Combinatory dictionary

  • stagger — The schedule of months in which quarterly returns for VAT and Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) are due. Traders registered for VAT and IPT are generally required to submit returns every quarter. For administrative purposes, the dates on which returns… …   Financial and business terms

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