
1. [skwınt] n
1. косоглазие

to have a bad squint - сильно косить

to have a squint in one's left eye - косить левым глазом /на левый глаз/

2. разг. взгляд украдкой, искоса; беглый взгляд

let me have a squint at it - дайте-ка взглянуть

I had a squint at his paper - я заглянул украдкой в его газету

3. склонность, наклонность; направление, уклон

squint towards radicalism - тенденция к радикализму

4. глазок, смотровое отверстие, смотровая щель
2. [skwınt] a
1. косой, косоглазый
2. смотрящий искоса; с подозрительным, завистливым или недружелюбным взглядом
3. скошенный, наклонный
3. [skwınt] v
1. косить (глазами); страдать косоглазием, быть косоглазым
2. смотреть украдкой, искоса; коситься

to squint at one's neighbour's paper - коситься /заглядывать/ в газету соседа

3. щуриться, жмуриться, прищуриваться

he squinted into the dark - он, прищурившись, вглядывался в темноту

he squinted at the bright sunlight - он жмурился от яркого солнечного света

4. склоняться (к чему-л.); иметь какую-л. тенденцию, какой-л. уклон

to squint towards anarchy - склоняться к анархизму

to squint towards heresy - впадать в ересь

the document squints towards treason - содержание этого документа граничит с предательством

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "squint" в других словарях:

  • squint´er — squint «skwihnt», verb, noun, adjective. –v.i. 1. to look or gaze with the eyes partly closed: »the bright sun made him squint at the sky to see the airplane. 2. to look sideways; glance obliquely or in other than the direct line of vision. 3. to …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squint — Squint, means to look with the eyes partly closed. It may also refer to:* Squint, a commonly used alternative name for the medical condition, strabismus * Squint Entertainment record label * Squint (antenna) * Squint, an alternative name for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Squint — (skw[i^]nt), a. [Cf. D. schuinte a slope, schuin, schuinsch, sloping, oblique, schuins slopingly. Cf. {Askant}, {Askance}, {Asquint}.] 1. Looking obliquely. Specifically: (Med.), not having the optic axes coincident; said of the eyes. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squint|y — «SKWIHN tee», adjective, squint|i|er, squint|i|est. having or characterized by a squint: »squinty eyes …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squint — Squint, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Squinted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Squinting}.] 1. To see or look obliquely, asquint, or awry, or with a furtive glance. [1913 Webster] Some can squint when they will. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) To have the axes of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squint — Squint, v. t. 1. To turn to an oblique position; to direct obliquely; as, to squint an eye. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause to look with noncoincident optic axes. [1913 Webster] He . . . squints the eye, and makes the harelid. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squint — squint; squint·er; squint·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • squint — [skwint] vi. [aphetic for ASQUINT] 1. to look or peer with the eyes partly closed, as when the light is too strong 2. to look with the eyes turned to the side; look obliquely or askance 3. to be cross eyed 4. to incline or have a tendency (toward …   English World dictionary

  • Squint — Squint, n. 1. The act or habit of squinting. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) A want of coincidence of the axes of the eyes; strabismus. [1913 Webster] 3. (Arch.) Same as {Hagioscope}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squint — ► VERB 1) look at someone or something with partly closed eyes. 2) partly close (one s eyes). 3) have a squint affecting one eye. ► NOUN 1) a permanent deviation in the direction of the gaze of one eye. 2) informal a quick or casual look …   English terms dictionary

  • squint — (adj.) 1560s, shortened form of ASQUINT (Cf. asquint) (q.v.). The verb is attested from 1590s; the noun from 1650s. Related: Squinted; squinting …   Etymology dictionary

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