
1. [ʹskwɒdrən] n
1. воен.
1) эскадрон
2) артиллерийский дивизион
3) рота
2. мор. эскадра, соединение кораблей
3. ав. эскадрилья
4. отряд
5. поэт. войско
2. [ʹskwɒdrən] v
1. воен. сводить в эскадроны
2. ав. сводить в эскадрильи

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "squadron" в других словарях:

  • Squadron A — refers to the historic cavalry unit of New York City s Upper East Side. The New York Hussars Squadron A originated out of a group of wealthy, young gentlemen with great interest in equestrian sport who formed themselves into a group called the… …   Wikipedia

  • Squadron — Squad ron (skw[o^]d r[u^]n), n. [F. escadron, formerly also esquadron, Sp. escuadron, or It. squadrone. See {Squad}.] 1. Primarily, a square; hence, a square body of troops; a body of troops drawn up in a square. [R.] [1913 Webster] Those half… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • squadron — 1560s, from It. squadrone, augmentative of squadra battalion (see SQUAD (Cf. squad)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • squadron — ► NOUN 1) an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft. 2) a principal division of an armoured or cavalry regiment, consisting of two or more troops. 3) a group of warships detached on a particular duty or… …   English terms dictionary

  • squadron — [skwäd′rən] n. [It squadrone < squadra, a square, fem. of quadrus,SQUARE] 1. a group of warships, usually of the same type, assigned to some special duty; specif., a naval unit consisting of two or more divisions 2. a unit of armored cavalry… …   English World dictionary

  • Squadron — A squadron is a small unit or formation of cavalry, armour, aircraft (including balloons), or warships. Army and MarinesA cavalry squadron (horse or armoured), typically consists of three to five troops. USAIn the United States Army, a squadron… …   Wikipedia

  • squadron */ — UK [ˈskwɒdrən] / US [ˈskwɑdrən] noun [countable] Word forms squadron : singular squadron plural squadrons a particular section of the armed forces, especially of the air force a squadron of fighter aircraft …   English dictionary

  • squadron — noun /ˈskwɒd.ɹən/ a) A body of cavalry comprising two companies or troops, and averaging from one hundred and twenty to two hundred soldiers. Those half rounding quards Just met, and, closing, stood in squadron joined. Milton. b) A detachment of… …   Wiktionary

  • squadron — [[t]skwɒ̱drən[/t]] squadrons N COUNT COLL A squadron is a section of one of the armed forces, especially the air force. The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes …   English dictionary

  • squadron — n. 1 an organized body of persons. 2 a principal division of a cavalry regiment or armoured formation, consisting of two troops. 3 a detachment of warships employed on a particular duty. 4 a unit of the Royal Air Force with 10 to 18 aircraft.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • squadron — noun Etymology: Italian squadrone, augmentative of squadra squad, from Old Italian Date: 1562 1. a unit of military organization: as a. a cavalry unit higher than a troop and lower than a regiment b. a naval unit consisting of two or more… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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