- spumone spumoni
spumone, spumoni
1> "спумони", торт из разноцветных слоев мороженого
2> мороженое с орехами и цукатами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Spumone — Spumoni salentini. El spumone (de spuma, ‘espuma’; plural spumoni) es un helado italiano hecho en molde y compuesto por capas de diferentes colores y sabores, normalmente conteniendo fruta confitada y nueces. Tiene típicamente tres sabores, con… … Wikipedia Español
Spumoni — Spumoni, or spumone, is a molded Italian ice cream made with layers of different colors and flavors, usually containing candied fruits and nuts. Typically it is of three flavors, with a fruit/nut layer between them. The ice cream layers are often … Wikipedia
spumoni — [spə mō′nē] n. 〚It, pl. of spumone, aug. of spuma, foam (< L: see FOAM)〛 an Italian frozen dessert made of variously flavored and colored layers of smooth ice cream, often containing candied fruits and pistachio nuts: also sp. spumone * * *… … Universalium
spumoni — [spə mō′nē] n. [It, pl. of spumone, aug. of spuma, foam (< L: see FOAM)] an Italian frozen dessert made of variously flavored and colored layers of smooth ice cream, often containing candied fruits and pistachio nuts: also sp. spumone … English World dictionary
spumoni — kind of ice cream dessert, 1929, from It. spumone (sing.), spumoni (pl.), from spuma foam, from L. spuma … Etymology dictionary
spumoni — also spumone noun Etymology: Italian spumone, augmentative of spuma foam, from Latin Date: 1924 ice cream in layers of different colors, flavors, and textures often with candied fruits and nuts … New Collegiate Dictionary
spumone — noun see spumoni … New Collegiate Dictionary
spumone — /speuh moh nee, nay/; It. /spooh maw ne/, n. an Italian style of ice cream of a very fine and smooth texture, usually containing layers of various colors and flavors and chopped fruit or nuts. Also, spumoni /speuh moh nee/. [1920 25; < It, equiv … Universalium
spumone — pl.m. spumoni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
spumone — /spəˈmoʊni/ (say spuh mohnee) noun Italian ice cream of a very fine and smooth texture, usually containing chopped fruit or nuts. Also, spumoni. {Italian} …
spumoni — n. US a kind of ice cream dessert. Etymology: It. spumone f. spuma SPUME … Useful english dictionary