
1. [spraʋt] n
1. отросток, росток, побег; глазок (в клубне)
2. pl
1) рассада (обыкн. капустная)
2) брюссельская капуста (тж. Brussels sprouts)
3. 1) редк. отпрыск, потомок
2) сл. сынок; дочка
2. [spraʋt] v
1. 1) пускать ростки, давать побеги, распускаться; расти, вырастать (тж. sprout forth, sprout out)
2) выращивать, проращивать

to sprout seeds - проращивать семена

3) прорастать (иногда sprout up)

potatoes kept too warm will sprout prematurely - в тепле картофель прорастает преждевременно

4) отращивать

to sprout a moustache - отращивать усы

the stag has sprouted horns - у оленя отросли рога

2. 1) вырастать, рождаться (из чего-л.; тж. sprout up)
2) давать прирост
3. редк. покрываться всходами, молодой растительностью (о земле и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sprout" в других словарях:

  • Sprout — Sprout, v. t. 1. To cause to sprout; as, the rain will sprout the seed. [1913 Webster] 2. To deprive of sprouts; as, to sprout potatoes. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sprout — may refer to:* Shoot, the early growth of a plant ** Edible sprouts * Sprouting, germination of seed * Brussels sprout, a green vegetable * Sprouts (game), a pencil and paper game * Little Green Sprout, the sidekick to the Jolly Green Giant… …   Wikipedia

  • Sprout — Sprout, n. [Cf. AS. sprote a sprout, sprig; akin to Icel. sproti, G. sprosse. See {Sprout}, v. i.] 1. The shoot of a plant; a shoot from the seed, from the stump, or from the root or tuber, of a plant or tree; more rarely, a shoot from the stem… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sprout — [sprout] vi. [ME sprouten < OE sprutan, akin to Ger spriessen < IE * spreud < base * (s)p(h)er : see SPREAD] 1. to begin to grow or germinate; give off shoots or buds 2. to grow or develop rapidly vt. to cause to sprout or grow n. [ME… …   English World dictionary

  • Sprout — (sprout), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sprouted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sprouting}.] [OE. sprouten, spruten; akin to OFries. spr[=u]ta, AS. spre[ o]tan, D. spruiten, G. spriessen, Sw. spruta to squirt, to spout. Cf. {Sprit}, v. t. & i., {Sprit} a spar,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sprout — sprout; sprout·er; sprout·ling; …   English syllables

  • sprout — ► VERB 1) produce shoots. 2) grow (plant shoots or hair). 3) start to grow or develop. ► NOUN 1) a shoot of a plant. 2) a Brussels sprout. ORIGIN Germanic …   English terms dictionary

  • sprout — index germinate, outgrowth, proliferate, pullulate, stem (originate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sprout — [v] develop bud, burgeon, germinate, grow, push, shoot, shoot up, spring, take root, vegetate; concept 257 Ant. die, shrink, shrivel …   New thesaurus

  • sprout — I UK [spraʊt] / US verb Word forms sprout : present tense I/you/we/they sprout he/she/it sprouts present participle sprouting past tense sprouted past participle sprouted 1) [intransitive] if a leaf or other part of a plant is sprouting, it is… …   English dictionary

  • sprout — [[t]spra͟ʊt[/t]] sprouts, sprouting, sprouted 1) VERB When plants, vegetables, or seeds sprout, they produce new shoots or leaves. It only takes a few days for beans to sprout. 2) VERB When leaves, shoots, or plants sprout somewhere, they grow… …   English dictionary

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