- spoonbait
- [ʹspu:nbeıt] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
spoonbait — spoonˈbait or spoonˈhook noun A lure on a swivel, used in trolling for fish • • • Main Entry: ↑spoon … Useful english dictionary
spoon — /spun / (say spoohn) noun 1. a utensil consisting of a bowl or concave part and a handle, for taking up or stirring liquid or other food, or other matter. 2. any of various implements, objects, or parts resembling or suggesting this. 3. Also,… …
spoonhook — spoonˈbait or spoonˈhook noun A lure on a swivel, used in trolling for fish • • • Main Entry: ↑spoon spoonhook see ↑spoonbait above. • • • Main Entry: ↑spoon … Useful english dictionary