- spongiform
- [ʹspʌndʒıfɔ:m] a
губковидный, губкообразный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Spongiform — Spon gi*form (sp[u^]n j[i^]*f[^o]rm), a. Resembling a sponge; soft and porous; porous. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spongiform — resembling a sponge, 1805, from L. spongia sponge + forma form, shape (see FORM (Cf. form)) … Etymology dictionary
spongiform — SYN: spongy. * * * spon·gi·form spən ji .fȯrm adj of, relating to, or being a degenerative disease which causes the brain tissue to have a porous structure like that of a sponge <spongiform lesions> * * * spon·gi·form (spunґjĭ form)… … Medical dictionary
spongiform encephalopathy — n any of a group of degenerative diseases of the brain characterized by the development of spongiform lesions and by deterioration in neurological functioning see BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY, TRANSMISSIBLE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY * * * any … Medical dictionary
spongiform pustule — of Kogoj a focal area of spongiosis beneath the stratum corneum of the epidermis, lined with edematous cells and containing neutrophils in the intercellular spaces; it is a cardinal sign of active psoriasis and is also found in other dermatoses… … Medical dictionary
spongiform encephalopathy — ˈspənjəˌfȯrm noun Etymology: spongiform resembling a sponge, from spongi + form : any of a group of degenerative diseases of the brain that are characterized by development of brain tissue having a structure like that of a porous sponge and by… … Useful english dictionary
spongiform encephalopathy — noun Etymology: spongiform resembling a sponge, from Latin spongia + English iform Date: 1960 any of a group of degenerative diseases of the brain that are characterized by development of brain tissue having a structure like that of a porous… … New Collegiate Dictionary
spongiform encephalopathies — A group of diseases characterized by long incubation and fatal progressive course with characteristic spongiform degeneration of grey matter of the cortex. The two main human diseases are kuru and Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. Diseases such as… … Dictionary of molecular biology
spongiform encephalopathy — any one of a group of rapidly progressive degenerative neurological diseases that include scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, and kuru, Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, and Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker syndrome in… … The new mediacal dictionary
spongiform — adj. [L. spongia, sponge; forma, form] Sponge like; soft and porous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
spongiform — /spun jeuh fawrm /, adj. resembling a sponge, as in appearance or structure. [1815 20] * * * … Universalium