
1. [ʹsplʌtə] n
1. суматоха, шум
2. бессвязная речь, лопотанье

a confused splutter of German on my right - невнятная немецкая речь справа от меня

3. шипение, треск; плеск
2. [ʹsplʌtə] v
1. (про)лопотать; говорить захлёбываясь (от возбуждения и т. п.); говорить быстро и сбивчиво

to splutter out a threat - задыхающимся голосом выкрикнуть угрозу

he spluttered (out) his alarm - сбивчиво и путано он выпалил /выложил/ свои опасения

2. шипеть, трещать

a waning candle splutters - догорающая свеча потрескивает

3. 1) брызгать; обрызгивать
2) делать кляксы (о пере)

a pen splutters - перо пачкает /делает кляксы/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "splutter" в других словарях:

  • Splutter — Splut ter (spl[u^]t t[ e]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Spluttered} ( t[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Spluttering}.] [Prov. E. splutter, eqivalent to sputter. Cf. {Sputter}.] To speak hastily and confusedly; to sputter. [Colloq.] Carleton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Splutter — Splut ter, n. A confused noise, as of hasty speaking. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • splutter — (n.) 1670s, perhaps a variant of SPUTTER (Cf. sputter), intensified by the consonant cluster of splash, splatter, etc. The verb is from 1728 …   Etymology dictionary

  • splutter — ► VERB 1) make a series of short explosive spitting or choking sounds. 2) say in a rapid indistinct way. ► NOUN ▪ a spluttering sound. DERIVATIVES splutterer noun. ORIGIN imitative …   English terms dictionary

  • splutter — [splut′ər] vi. [var. of SPUTTER] 1. to make hissing or spitting sounds, or to throw off particles in an explosive way, as something frying; sputter 2. to speak hurriedly and confusedly, as when excited or embarrassed vt. 1. to utter hurriedly and …   English World dictionary

  • splutter — UK [ˈsplʌtə(r)] / US [ˈsplʌtər] verb Word forms splutter : present tense I/you/we/they splutter he/she/it splutters present participle spluttering past tense spluttered past participle spluttered informal 1) a) [intransitive] to make noises with… …   English dictionary

  • splutter — splut|ter [ˈsplʌtə US ər] v [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Probably from sputter] 1.) [I and T] to talk quickly in short confused phrases, especially because you are angry or surprised = ▪ But ... but ... I can t believe... how could you? she… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • splutter — [[t]splʌ̱tə(r)[/t]] splutters, spluttering, spluttered 1) VERB If someone splutters, they make short sounds and have difficulty speaking clearly, for example because they are embarrassed or angry. [V with quote] But it cannot be, he spluttered …   English dictionary

  • splutter — See splutter, sputter …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • splutter — verb Splutter is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑engine …   Collocations dictionary

  • splutter — verb (I) 1 to talk quickly in short confused phrases, especially because you are angry or surprised: “But ...But ...I can t believe...how could you?” she spluttered. (+ with): Katie was spluttering with rage. 2 to make short sharp noises, like… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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