- split cotter
- [ʹsplıt͵kɒtə] тех.
(разводной) шплинт, разводная чека
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
split (cotter) pin — Смотри Шплинт … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Cotter pin — can mean: In USA usage: A split pin, a metal fastener with two tines that are bent during installation used to fasten metal together, like with a staple or rivet Hairpin cotter pin, more commonly known as an R clip Bowtie cotter pin, a vibration… … Wikipedia
cotter pin — n. a split pin used as a cotter, fastened in place by spreading apart its ends after it is inserted … English World dictionary
cotter pin — ► NOUN 1) a metal pin used to fasten two parts of a mechanism together. 2) a split pin that is opened out after being passed through a hole. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
Cotter family — This article concerns the Norse Gaelic Cotter family (Irish Mac Coitir or Mac Oitir) of Ireland, which is particularly associated with County Cork and ancient Cork city, and their connections. The family is also associated with the Isle of Man… … Wikipedia
split pin — noun : a pin or small cotter with one end split so that it may be spread open to prevent slacking back; also : spring cotter * * * split pin noun A pin made of a doubled piece of metal formed into a ring at the head and usu inserted in a hole in… … Useful english dictionary
split — v. & n. v. (splitting; past and past part. split) 1 intr. & tr. a break or cause to break forcibly into parts, esp. with the grain or into halves. b (often foll. by up) divide into parts (split into groups; split up the money equally). 2 tr. &… … Useful english dictionary
Split — v. & n. v. (splitting; past and past part. split) 1 intr. & tr. a break or cause to break forcibly into parts, esp. with the grain or into halves. b (often foll. by up) divide into parts (split into groups; split up the money equally). 2 tr. &… … Useful english dictionary
cotter pin — /ˈkɒtə pɪn/ (say kotuh pin) noun a cotter having a split end which is spread after being pushed through a hole, to prevent the cotter from working loose …
cotter pin — noun a cotter consisting of a split pin that is secured (after passing through a hole) by splitting the ends apart (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑cotter, ↑cottar … Useful english dictionary
cotter pin — Mach. a cotter having a split end that is spread after being pushed through a hole to prevent it from working loose. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium