splint armour

splint armour
[͵splıntʹɑ:mə] ист.
пластинчатые доспехи

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "splint armour" в других словарях:

  • Splint armour — Splint armour, also referred to as splinted armour, is a form of armour primarily from Medieval Europe. The armour consists of strips of metal, or splints, which are attached to a fabric or leather backing or covering. Splint armour first appears …   Wikipedia

  • splint armour — noun Armour of narrow overlapping plates • • • Main Entry: ↑splint …   Useful english dictionary

  • Splint — may refer to:*Splint (programming tool), a device for checking computer programs *Splint (medicine), a medical device for the immobilization of limbs or spine *Splints, an ailment of horses *Splint (orthodontic), a retainer built into teeth to… …   Wikipedia

  • splint — /splɪnt / (say splint) noun 1. a thin piece of wood or other rigid material used to immobilise a fractured or dislocated bone, or to maintain any part of the body in a fixed position. 2. one of a number of thin strips of wood woven together to… …  

  • splint — noun 1》 a strip of rigid material for supporting a broken bone when it has been set. 2》 a long, thin strip of wood used in basketwork or to light a fire. 3》 a bony enlargement on the inside of a horse s leg, on the splint bone. verb secure with a …   English new terms dictionary

  • splint — 1. noun a) A narrow strip of wood split or peeled off of a larger piece. 1900 But it so happened that I had a man in the hospital at the time, and going there to see about him the day before the opening of the Inquiry, I saw in the white mens… …   Wiktionary

  • Coat of plates — A coat of plates is a form of torso armour consisting of metal plates sewn or riveted inside a cloth or leather garment. 16th century Jack of plate consisting of iron plates sewn to a leather jerkin. Jack was a late medieval name for …   Wikipedia

  • Fabled Lands — is the name of a series of fantasy gamebooks written by established gamebook authors Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson and published by Pan Books, a division of Macmillan in the mid 90s. Cover art was by Kevin Jenkins with Russ Nicholson providing… …   Wikipedia

  • Komnenian army — Infobox War Faction name= Byzantine army war= the Byzantine Seljuk wars, the Byzantine Bulgarian Wars, the Byzantine Norman Wars and other conflicts active= 1081–1204 AD leaders= Byzantine Emperor headquarters=Constantinople area= Asia Minor,… …   Wikipedia

  • fish — fishless, adj. /fish/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fishes, v. n. 1. any of various cold blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with …   Universalium

  • Fish — /fish/, n. Hamilton, 1808 93, U.S. statesman: secretary of state 1869 77. * * * I Any of more than 24,000 species of cold blooded vertebrates found worldwide in fresh and salt water. Living species range from the primitive lampreys and hagfishes… …   Universalium

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