- spinescent
- [spaıʹnes(ə)nt] a зоол., бот.
колючий, имеющий колючки, шипы, иглы и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
spinescent — ● spinescent, spinescente adjectif (bas latin spinescens, de spinescere, se couvrir d épines) Couvert d épines. ⇒SPINESCENT, ENTE, adj. BOT., rare A. Qui a la forme d une épine, qui se termine en épine. (Dict. XIXe et XXe s.). Feuilles… … Encyclopédie Universelle
spinescent — spinescént adj. m., pl. spinescénţi; f. sg. spinescéntă, pl. spinescénte Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic SPINESCÉNT, Ă adj. acoperit cu spini, cu ghimpi. (< fr. spinescent … Dicționar Român
Spinescent — Spi*nes cent, a.[L. spinescens, entis, p. pr. of spinescere to know to grow thorny, fr. spina a thorn: cf. F. spinescent.] (Bot.) Becoming hard and thorny; tapering gradually to a rigid, leafless point; armed with spines. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spinescent — spinescent, ente (spi nè ssan, ssan t ) adj. Terme de botanique. Qui dégénère en épine ; qui tend à devenir une épine … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
spinescent — [spī nes′ənt] adj. [LL spinescens, prp. of spinescere, to grow spiny < L spina,SPINE] 1. spiny; having spines 2. becoming spiny or spinelike … English World dictionary
spinescent — spinescence, n. /spuy nes euhnt/, adj. 1. Bot. a. becoming spinelike. b. ending in a spine. c. bearing spines. 2. Zool. somewhat spinelike; coarse, as hair. [1785 95; < LL spinescent (s. of spinescens, prp. of spinescere to grow thorny). See… … Universalium
spinescent — (ˈ)spī|nesənt adjective Etymology: New Latin spinescent , spinescens, from Late Latin, present participle of spinescere to be thorny, incho. from Latin spina thorn : becoming spiny : tapering to a sharp rigid point : tending toward spininess :… … Useful english dictionary
spinescent — tending towards the form of a spine, e.g. in the gill rakers of Gempylidae and Trichiuridae … Dictionary of ichthyology
spinescent — adjective /spʌɪˈnɛsənt/ a) Having a spine or spines. b) Terminating in a spine … Wiktionary
spinescent — , spinose. Terminating in a sharp point; bearing sharp points, e.g. the leaflets and petioles of many cycad species. See also pungent. Cf. entire, inerm, unarmed … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
spinescent — spi·nes·cent … English syllables