- spindly
- [ʹspındlı] a
1. плохо развивающийся, хилый, тщедушный; идущий только в рост2. длинный и тонкий; имеющий веретенообразную форму
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Spindly — Spin dly, a. Long and slender, or disproportionately tall and slender; as, spindly legs.. Used in some cases to suggest weakness. Syn: spindling. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spindly — 1650s, from SPINDLE (Cf. spindle) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
spindly — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ long or tall and thin … English terms dictionary
spindly — [spind′lē] adj. spindlier, spindliest long or tall and very thin or slender, often so as to be or seem frail or weak … English World dictionary
spindly — UK [ˈspɪndlɪ] / US adjective Word forms spindly : adjective spindly comparative spindlier superlative spindliest something spindly is long and thin and looks as if it would break easily spindly legs … English dictionary
spindly — adjective (spindlier; est) Date: 1651 1. of a disproportionately tall or long and thin appearance that often suggests physical weakness < spindly legs > 2. frail or flimsy in appearance or structure < a spindly tower > … New Collegiate Dictionary
spindly — spin|dly [ spındli ] adjective something spindly is long and thin and looks as if it would break easily: spindly legs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
spindly — [[t]spɪ̱ndli[/t]] spindlier, spindliest ADJ GRADED Something that is spindly is long and thin and looks very weak. I did have rather spindly legs … English dictionary
spindly — /spind lee/, adj., spindlier, spindliest. long or tall, thin, and usually frail: The colt wobbled on its spindly legs. [1645 55; SPINDLE + Y1] * * * … Universalium
spindly — adjective Characteristic of a spindle; slender and of weak appearance. She has spindly legs … Wiktionary
spindly — adj. Spindly is used with these nouns: ↑leg … Collocations dictionary