Смотреть что такое "spiflicate" в других словарях:
spiflicate — verb a) To confound, silence or dumbfound 1785 , Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue 1837: So out with your whinger at once, and scrag Jane while I spiflicate Johnny , The Ingoldsby Legends b) To beat severely 1847 , A Dictionary of Archaic and… … Wiktionary
spiflicate — /ˈspɪfləkeɪt / (say spifluhkayt) verb (t) (spiflicated, spiflicating) Colloquial (often humorous) to destroy utterly; hurt, punish, or damage; destroy or kill: *his pre set masterplan to spiflicate both his workers wages and their human rights… …
spiflicate — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary No idea; but it is what our parents were always going to do to us as weans … English dialects glossary
spiflicate — spif·li·cate … English syllables
spiflicate — v.t. jocular & slang, beat up; trounce … Dictionary of difficult words
spiflicate — Treat (person) roughly (usu. in vague threat) … A concise dictionary of English slang
spiflicate — v.tr. (also spifflicate) esp. joc. 1 destroy. 2 beat (in a fight etc.). Etymology: 18th c.: fanciful … Useful english dictionary
spiffy — 1853, of uncertain origin, probably related to spiff well dressed man. Spiffing excellent was very popular in 1870s slang. Uncertain relationship to spiff (n.) percentage allowed by drapers to their young men when they effect sale of old… … Etymology dictionary
spifflicate — [ spɪflɪkeɪt] (also spiflicate) verb informal, humorous destroy or defeat utterly. Derivatives spifflication noun Origin C18: an invented word … English new terms dictionary
spiflicated — /ˈspɪfləkeɪtəd/ (say spifluhkaytuhd) Colloquial –verb 1. past participle of spiflicate. –adjective 2. drunk. Also, spifflicated …
spifflicate — transitive verb see spiflicate … Useful english dictionary