Belated — Be*lat ed, a. Delayed beyond the usual time; too late; overtaken by night; benighted. Some belated peasant. Milton. {Be*lat ed*ness}, n. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
belated — index back (in arrears), dilatory, late (tardy), overdue Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
belated — 1610s, overtaken by night, pp. adj. from belate to make late, detain, from BE (Cf. be ) + LATE (Cf. late). Sense of coming past due, behind date is from 1660s. Related: Belatedly … Etymology dictionary
belated — [adj] late, slow behindhand, behind time, delayed, long delayed, overdue, remiss, tardy, unpunctual; concept 820 Ant. early, on time, punctual, timely … New thesaurus
belated — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ coming late or too late. DERIVATIVES belatedly adverb belatedness noun … English terms dictionary
belated — [bē lāt′id, bilāt′id] adj. [ BE + LAT(E) + ED] late or too late; tardy belatedly adv. belatedness n … English World dictionary
belated — be|lat|ed [bıˈleıtıd] adj happening or arriving late ▪ a belated attempt to increase support belated recognition/realization/acknowledgement ▪ The statement was a belated acknowledgement that the project had not been a success. ▪ a belated… … Dictionary of contemporary English
belated — belatedly, adv. belatedness, n. /bi lay tid/, adj. 1. coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time: belated birthday greetings. 2. late, delayed, or detained: We started the meeting without the belated representative. 3. Archaic … Universalium
belated — [[t]bɪle͟ɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED A belated action happens later than it should have done. [FORMAL] ...the government s belated attempts to alleviate the plight of the poor. ...a belated birthday present. Syn: tardy Derived words: belatedly ADV… … English dictionary
belated — be|lat|ed [ bı leıtəd ] adjective usually before noun happening late: a belated apology a. arriving late: a belated birthday card … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
belated — UK [bɪˈleɪtɪd] / US [bɪˈleɪtəd] adjective [usually before noun] a) happening late a belated apology b) arriving late a belated birthday card … English dictionary