
[ʹspi:tʃlıs] a
1. 1) немой
2) безмолвный, безгласный, молчаливый

speechless female - молчаливая /молчащая/ женщина

speechless entreaty - немая /безмолвная/ мольба

speechless silence - полное безмолвие

speechless animals - бессловесные животные

to be /to remain/ speechless - молчать, хранить молчание

3) лишившийся дара речи, онемевший

speechless with rage [with fear, with surprise] - онемевший /лишившийся языка, потерявший дар речи/ от ярости [от страха, от удивления]

4) разг. ≅ лыка не вяжет (о пьяном)
2. невыразимый

speechless delight - невыразимый восторг

speechless joy - несказанная радость

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "speechless" в других словарях:

  • Speechless — can refer to any of the following articles:=Film= * Speechless (film) a 1994 film starring Geena Davis, Michael Keaton, and Christopher Reeve * Speechless (2007 film) a 2007 film starring Adrien Brody and Lindsay Lohan.=Games= * Speechless (board …   Wikipedia

  • Speechless — puede referirse a: Speechless, una película de 1994. Speechless, canción de Michael Jackson. Speechless, canción de Lady Gaga. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título …   Wikipedia Español

  • Speechless — Speechless: Speechless  песня Леди Гаги Speechless (англ.)  песня Майкла Джексона …   Википедия

  • Speechless — Speech less, a. 1. Destitute or deprived of the faculty of speech. [1913 Webster] 2. Not speaking for a time; dumb; mute; silent. [1913 Webster] Speechless with wonder, and half dead with fear. Addison. [1913 Webster] {Speech less*ly}, adv.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Speechless — (engl. sprachlos) bezeichnet: den englischsprachigen Originaltitel eines 1994 gedrehten Films, siehe Sprachlos ein Lied der US amerikanischen Sängerin Lady Gaga, siehe Speechless (Lied) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffskläru …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • speechless — [spēch′lis] adj. 1. incapable of speech; lacking the ability to speak 2. temporarily unable to speak; silent, as from shock 3. not expressed or expressible in words [speechless terror] SYN. VOICELESS speechlessly adv. speechlessness n …   English World dictionary

  • speechless — I adjective agape, aghast, amazed, aphonic, astonished, awe struck, bewildered, dumb, dumbstruck, elinguis, gagged, inarticulate, incapable of utterance, indisposed to words, mum, mute, mutus, noiseless, open mouthed, quiet, silent, soundless,… …   Law dictionary

  • speechless — (adj.) O.E. spæcleas permanently mute; see SPEACH (Cf. speach) + LESS (Cf. less). Meaning mute by effect of astonishment is from late 14c. Related: Speechlessly; speechlessness …   Etymology dictionary

  • speechless — *dumb, mute, inarticulate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • speechless — [adj] without ability to talk aghast, amazed, aphonic, astounded, buttoned up*, clammed up*, close mouthed, cool*, cool as cucumber*, dazed, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, inarticulate, mum, mute, not saying boo*, reserved, shocked, silent,… …   New thesaurus

  • speechless — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or strong emotion. DERIVATIVES speechlessly adverb speechlessness noun …   English terms dictionary

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