speech sound

speech sound
звук речи

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "speech sound" в других словарях:

  • speech sound — speech′ sound n. phn any of the minimal identifiable discrete segments of sound occurring in speech • Etymology: 1865–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • speech sound — noun (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language • Syn: ↑phone, ↑sound • Derivationally related forms: ↑sound (for: ↑sound), ↑phonic …   Useful english dictionary

  • speech sound — Phonet. 1. any of the set of distinctive sounds of a given language. Cf. phoneme. 2. any audible, elemental, acoustic event occurring in speech: Go contains the speech sound o. Cf. phone2. 3. any of the sounds of the entire phonetic system of a… …   Universalium

  • Speech sound disorder — Speech sound disorders are speech disorders in which some speech sounds (called phonemes) in a child s (or, sometimes, an adult s) native language are either not produced, not produced correctly, or are not used correctly. General characteristics …   Wikipedia

  • speech sound — /ˈspitʃ saʊnd/ (say speech sownd) noun any vocal or articulated sound used in human oral communication …  

  • speech sound — one of the minimal elements of a spoken language, such as a consonant or vowel. See also phoneme …   Medical dictionary

  • plosive speech sound — sound pronounced by stopping the air in the speech passage and suddenly releasing it …   English contemporary dictionary

  • vocal speech sound — sound pronounced by moving the vocal chords …   English contemporary dictionary

  • speech — /speech/, n. 1. the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity. 2. the act of speaking: He expresses… …   Universalium

  • Speech perception — is the process by which the sounds of language are heard, interpreted and understood. The study of speech perception is closely linked to the fields of phonetics and phonology in linguistics and cognitive psychology and perception in psychology.… …   Wikipedia

  • Speech-Language Pathology in School Settings — Speech language pathology is a fast growing profession that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, offers about 96,000 jobs in the United States alone. It relates to many educational disciplines such as communication sciences, linguistics …   Wikipedia

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