- behold
- 1. [bıʹhəʋld] v (beheld) книжн.
1) смотреть, созерцать
to behold the sunrise - любоваться восходом солнца
2) узреть; заметить2. [bıʹhəʋld] int уст.смотри!, вот!behold the man - библ. се человек
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to behold the sunrise - любоваться восходом солнца
behold the man - библ. се человек
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Behold — is a brand of Furniture Polish produced by the Sara Lee Corporation. Behold furniture polish and Endust dusting aid were previously produced by Drackett. When Drackett was sold to S. C. Johnson Son in 1992, these two products, Endust and Behold,… … Wikipedia
Behold — Be*hold , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Beheld}(p. p. formerly {Beholden}, now used only as a p. a.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Beholding}.] [OE. bihalden, biholden, AS. behealdan to hold, have in sight; pref. be + healdan to hold, keep; akin to G. behalten to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Behold — Be*hold , v. i. To direct the eyes to, or fix them upon, an object; to look; to see. [1913 Webster] And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne, . . . a lamb as it had been slain. Rev. v. 6. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
behold — I verb catch sight of, clap eyes on, consider, descry, detect, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, examine, eye, gaze at, glimpse, heed, inspect, look, look at, look upon, make out, mark, notice, observe, perceive, pierce, recognize, regard,… … Law dictionary
behold — (v.) O.E. bihaldan (W.Saxon behealdan) give regard to, hold in view, also to keep hold of, to belong to, from BE (Cf. be ) + haldan, healdan (see HOLD (Cf. hold)). Related: Beheld; beholding. A common West Germanic compound, Cf. O.S. bihaldan… … Etymology dictionary
behold — *see, view, survey, observe, descry, espy, notice, perceive, discern, remark, note, contemplate Analogous words: watch, look, *see: regard, *consider … New Dictionary of Synonyms
behold — [v] regard; look at catch, consider, contemplate, descry, discern, distinguish, earmark, eye, eyeball*, feast one’s eyes*, flash*, lay eyes on*, note, notice, observe, perceive, regard, scan, see, spot, spy, survey, view, watch, witness; concepts … New thesaurus
behold — ► VERB (past and past part. beheld) archaic or literary ▪ see or observe. DERIVATIVES beholder noun. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
behold — [bē hōld′, bihōld′] vt. beheld, beholding [ME biholden < OE bihealdan, to hold, keep hold of: see BE & HOLD1] to hold in view; look at; see; regard interj. look; see SYN. SEE1 beholder n … English World dictionary
behold — [[t]bɪho͟ʊld[/t]] beholds, beholding, beheld 1) VERB If you behold someone or something, you see them. [LITERARY] [V n] She looked into his eyes and beheld madness... He was a joy to behold. 2) CONVENTION People used to say or write Behold to… … English dictionary
behold — be|hold [bıˈhəuld US ˈhould] v [T] past tense and past participle beheld literary [: Old English; Origin: behealdan to keep, behold ] to see or to look at something sometimes used humorously be a sight/joy/pleasure etc to behold ▪ The beauty of… … Dictionary of contemporary English