- spandrel
- [ʹspændrəl] n стр.
1. 1) пазуха свода2) надсводное строение2. несущая стена
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Spandrel — steht für: Spandrel (Biologie), ein evolutionsbiologisches Nebenprodukt AT 5 Spandrel, eine sowjetische Panzerabwehrrakete Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Beg … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spandrel — Span drel, n. [From {Span}.] 1. (Arch.) The irregular triangular space between the curve of an arch and the inclosing right angle; or the space between the outer moldings of two contiguous arches and a horizontal line above them, or another arch… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spandrel — (n.) late 15c., triangular space between the outer curves of an arch, apparently a diminutive of Anglo Fr. spaundre (late 14c.), perhaps aphetic of espandre to expand, extend, from L. expandre (see EXPAND (Cf. expand)) … Etymology dictionary
spandrel — ► NOUN Architecture ▪ the almost triangular space between the curve of an arch, a wall or an adjoining arch, and the ceiling or framework above. ORIGIN perhaps from Old French espaundre expand … English terms dictionary
spandrel — [span′drəl] n. [ME spaundrell, dim. of Anglo Fr spaundre < OFr espandre, to expand < L expandere, EXPAND] 1. either of the triangular spaces between the exterior curve of an arch and a rectangular frame or mold enclosing it 2. any of the… … English World dictionary
Spandrel — Illustration of spandrel Spandrel figures … Wikipedia
spandrel — /span dreuhl/, n. 1. Archit. an area between the extradoses of two adjoining arches, or between the extrados of an arch and a perpendicular through the extrados at the springing line. 2. (in a steel framed building) a panellike area between the… … Universalium
spandrel — n. Archit. 1 the almost triangular space between one side of the outer curve of an arch, a wall, and the ceiling or framework. 2 the space between the shoulders of adjoining arches and the ceiling or moulding above. Phrases and idioms: spandrel… … Useful english dictionary
Spandrel (biology) — Spandrel is a term used in evolutionary biology describing a phenotypic characteristic that is considered to have developed during evolution as a side effect of a true adaptation, specifically arising from a correlation of growth, rather than… … Wikipedia
Spandrel (Biologie) — Der Begriff Spandrel (englisch für Spandrille, Bogenzwickel) als Bezeichnung für ein evolutionsbiologisches Phänomen wurde 1979 durch Stephen Jay Gould und Richard C. Lewontin geprägt. Der Begriff stammt aus der Architektur, wo er eine dekorierte … Deutsch Wikipedia
spandrel — also spandril noun Etymology: Middle English spandrell, from Anglo French spaunder, from espandre to spread out more at spawn Date: 15th century 1. the sometimes ornamented space between the right or left exterior curve of an arch and an… … New Collegiate Dictionary