
1. [saʋθ] n
1. 1) юг

geographic(al) /true/ south - географический /истинный/ юг

magnetic south - южный магнитный полюс

to overlook /to face/ the south - выходить на юг (об окне и т. п.)

2) мор. зюйд

South by East - зюйд-тень-ост

South by West - зюйд-тень-вест

2. юг, южная часть или область; южный район; южная окраина (города); южная оконечность (острова)

the south of France - юг Франции

3. (the South)
1) южные страны (Европы и т. п.)
2) южные штаты США

the slave-owning South - рабовладельческий Юг

3) южане, население южных районов
4) амер. ист. южане
4. поэт. южный ветер
5. (the South) полит. -эк. Юг, менее развитые в техническом и экономическом отношении страны мира
6. «юг», один из четырёх игроков в бридж, особ. объявляющий игру
2. [saʋθ] a
1. 1) южный

south wind - южный ветер

2) мор. зюйдовый
2. обращённый к югу, выходящий на юг

south window - окно, выходящее на юг

3. [saʋθ] adv
1. к югу, на юг, в южном направлении

due south - прямо на юг

to travel south - идти к югу

Italy lies south of France - Италия лежит /расположена/ к югу от Франции

further south than ... - (ещё) южнее ...

it lies north and south - оно простирается /тянется/ с севера на юг

2. с юга (о ветре)

the wind blows south - ветер дует с юга

4. [saʋθ] v редк.
1. двигаться, направляться, уклоняться на юг или к югу; принимать южное направление
2. задувать с юга (о ветре)
3. астр. пересекать меридиан

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Смотреть что такое "south" в других словарях:

  • south — south; south·amp·ton; south·cot·ti·an; south·east·er; south·east·ern; south·east·ern·er; south·east·ern·most; south·east·ward·ly; south·east·wards; south·end; south·er·li·ness; south·er·most; south·ern·er; south·ern·ism; south·ern·ize;… …   English syllables

  • south — (south) n. 1. Abbr. S a) The direction along a meridian 90° clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise. b) The cardinal point on the mariner s compass 180° clockwise from due north and directly opposite north. 2. An area or region …   Word Histories

  • South — is one of cardinal directions and is opposite to the north. By Western convention, the bottom side of a map is south; the southern direction has azimuth or bearing of 180°.True south is the direction towards the southern end of the axis about… …   Wikipedia

  • south — [south] n. [ME < OE suth, akin to OHG sund , ON suthr < Gmc * suntha (understood as sun side < IE * sun ,SUN1), prob. < * swintha , strong, SOUND2, to the right side, in reference to the east facing position during prayer] 1. the… …   English World dictionary

  • South — South, a. Lying toward the south; situated at the south, or in a southern direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the south, or coming from the south; blowing from the south; southern; as, the south pole. At the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • South C — is a middle class residential estate located in the southland area of Nairobi.It lies next to Wilson Airport and is also bordered with South B Langata estate. Close to its outskirt surrounding near langata estate, lies the famous kibera slums.… …   Wikipedia

  • South — ist der Name einer Rock Band, siehe South (Band) der Titel mehrerer Filme, unter anderem South (2009), ein österreichischer Spielfilm der Regisseure Gerhard Fillei und Joachim Krenn aus dem Jahr 2009 eine Region in Kamerun (englische Bezeichnung) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • south — O.E. suð southward, in the south, from P.Gmc. *sunthaz (Cf. O.S., O.Fris. suth southward, in the south, M.Du. suut), perhaps related to base of *sunnon sun, with sense of the region of the sun. Ger. Süd, Süden are from a Dutch pronunciation. O.Fr …   Etymology dictionary

  • south|er|ly — «SUHTH uhr lee», adjective, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. toward the south: »a southerly exposure. 2. coming from the south: »a southerly wind. 3. of the south. –adv. 1. toward the south; southward: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • South — (?; by sailors sou), n. [OE. south, su[thorn], AS. s[=u][eth] for sun[eth]; akin to D. zuid, OHG. sund, G. s[ u]d, s[ u]den, Icel. su[eth]r, sunnr, Dan. syd, s[ o]nden, Sw. syd, s[ o]der, sunnan; all probably akin to E. sun, meaning, the side… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • South — the South a) the southeastern states of the US, used especially when talking about politics or history. When people in the US talk about the South, they mean the states that were originally part of the ↑Confederacy during the Civil War. The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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