
[ʹsɒpı] a разг.
1. мокрый

soppy with tears - мокрый от слёз

2. дождливый

soppy weather - сырая /промозглая/ погода

3. неряшливый
4. глупо-сентиментальный, слезливый

soppy boy - маменькин сынок

to be soppy on smb. - иметь слабость к кому-л.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "soppy" в других словарях:

  • Soppy — Sop py, a. Soaked or saturated with liquid or moisture; very wet or sloppy. [1913 Webster] It [Yarmouth] looked rather spongy and soppy. Dickens. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • soppy — very wet, 1823, from SOP (Cf. sop); meaning sentimental first recorded 1918 …   Etymology dictionary

  • soppy — *sentimental, romantic, mawkish, maudlin, mushy, slushy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • soppy — ► ADJECTIVE (soppier, soppiest) Brit. informal 1) self indulgently sentimental. 2) lacking spirit. DERIVATIVES soppily adverb soppiness noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «soaked with water»: from …   English terms dictionary

  • soppy — [säp′ē] adj. soppier, soppiest 1. very wet; sopping 2. rainy 3. Informal sentimental …   English World dictionary

  • soppy — sop|py [ˈsɔpi US ˈsa:pi] adj comparative soppier superlative soppiest BrE informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: soppy completely wet (19 20 centuries), from SOP1] 1.) expressing love or emotions in a way that seems silly American Equivalent: sappy ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • soppy — [[t]sɒ̱pi[/t]] soppier, soppiest ADJ GRADED If you describe someone or something as soppy, you mean that they are foolishly sentimental. [BRIT, INFORMAL] He s constantly on the phone to his girlfriend being soppy... She loves soppy love stories,… …   English dictionary

  • soppy — adjective BrE informal 1 expressing romantic feelings of love or sadness in a way that seems silly or weak; sappy (1) AmE: a soppy film 2 be soppy about to be very fond of someone or something, in a way that seems silly to other people: She s… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • soppy — UK [ˈsɒpɪ] / US [ˈsɑpɪ] adjective Word forms soppy : adjective soppy comparative soppier superlative soppiest informal very emotional or romantic in a way that is embarrassing. The usual American word is sappy soppy ballads …   English dictionary

  • soppy — adjective (soppier; est) Date: 1631 1. sentimental, mawkish 2. a. soaked through ; saturated b. very wet • soppiness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • soppy — soppiness, n. /sop ee/, adj., soppier, soppiest. 1. soaked, drenched, or very wet, as ground. 2. rainy, as weather. 3. Brit. Slang. excessively sentimental; mawkish. [1605 15; SOP + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

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