- sooth
- 1. [su:θ] n арх.
правда, истина
in good sooth - поистине, воистину, в самом деле
2. [su:θ] a арх.sooth to say - по правде говоря
правдивый, искренний
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
in good sooth - поистине, воистину, в самом деле
sooth to say - по правде говоря
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sooth — Sooth, n. [AS. s[=o][eth]. See {Sooth}, a.] 1. Truth; reality. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] The sooth it this, the cut fell to the knight. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. Shak. [1913 Webster] In good sooth, Its mystery… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sooth — (s[=oo]th), a.; also adv. [Compar. {Soother} (s[=oo]th [ e]r); superl. {Soothest}.] [OE. soth, AS. s[=o][eth], for san[eth]; akin to OS. s[=o][eth], OHG. sand, Icel. sannr, Sw. sann, Dan. sand, Skr. sat, sant, real, genuine, present, being;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sooth — ► NOUN archaic ▪ truth. ● in sooth Cf. ↑in sooth ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
sooth — [so͞oth] adj. [ME soth < OE, akin to Goth sunja, truth, ON sannr, true < IE base * es , to be (> AM, IS1): basic sense “that is”] 1. Archaic true or real 2. Old Poet. soothing; smooth n. Archaic truth; fact truth; fact … English World dictionary
sooth|ly — «SOOTH lee», adverb. Archaic. truly; in truth: »Soothly, other shores I fain would see (William Morris) … Useful english dictionary
Sooth — is an archaic word that, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, may refer to one of the following *Truth *Reality *Smooth *Softee also* Soothsayer … Wikipedia
sooth — O.E. soð truth, noun use of soþ (adj.) true, originally *sonþ , from P.Gmc. *santhaz (Cf. O.N. sannr, O.S. soth, O.H.G. sand true, Goth. sunja truth ), and thus cognate with O.E. synn sin and L … Etymology dictionary
sooth — for·sooth; in·sooth; sooth·ful; sooth·less; sooth·ly; sooth·say·er; sooth·say·ing; sooth; sooth·er; sooth·say; sooth·ing·ly; sooth·ing·ness; … English syllables
Sooth — Aloo tikki servido con menta (izquierda), saunth (derecha) y dahi (yogur, detrás). El sooth o saunth es un chutney dulce empleado en los chaats indios. Se hace con jengibre seco (o sooth, de ahí su nombre) y pasta de tamarindo (imli). El chutney… … Wikipedia Español
sooth´er — soothe «sooth», verb, soothed, sooth|ing. –v.t. 1. to quiet; calm; comfort: »The mother soothed the crying child. Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast (William Congreve) … Useful english dictionary
sooth — 1. noun /suːθ/ Truth. In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. (Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene 1) 2. adjective /suːθ/ True … Wiktionary