
[ʹbegədəm] n
1. собир. нищие, нищая братия
2. нищенство

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "beggardom" в других словарях:

  • beggardom — /beg euhr deuhm/, n. beggary (def. 2). [1880 85; BEGGAR + DOM] * * * …   Universalium

  • beggardom — /beg euhr deuhm/, n. beggary (def. 2). [1880 85; BEGGAR + DOM] …   Useful english dictionary

  • beggar — /ˈbɛgə / (say beguh) noun 1. someone who begs alms, or lives by begging. 2. a penniless person. 3. Chiefly British Colloquial a person: a lucky beggar. –verb (t) 4. to reduce to beggary; impoverish. 5. to exhaust the resources of: to beggar… …  

  • beggar — [beg′ər] n. [ME beggere < OFr begard: see BEG] 1. a person who begs, or asks for charity, esp. one who lives by begging; mendicant 2. a person who is very poor; pauper 3. Chiefly Brit. a person; fellow: often used jokingly or affectionately vt …   English World dictionary

  • beg|gar|hood — «BEHG uhr hud», noun. 1. the condition of a beggar. 2. beggars collectively; beggardom …   Useful english dictionary

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