- sonochemistry
- [͵səʋnəʋʹkemıstrı] n
акустохимия, сонохимия, звукохимия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sonochemistry — In chemistry, the study of sonochemistry is concerned with understanding the effect of sonic waves and wave properties on chemical systems. The chemical effects of ultrasound do not come from adirect interaction with molecular species. Studies… … Wikipedia
sonochemistry — ultragarsinė chemija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Chemijos šaka, tirianti ultragarso panaudojimą cheminėms reakcijoms skatinti. atitikmenys: angl. sonochemistry rus. ультразвуковая химия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sonochemistry — noun Any chemical reaction that takes place, or is initiated by, sound or ultrasound … Wiktionary
sonochemistry — The branch of chemistry concerned with chemical changes caused by, or involving, sound, particularly ultrasound … Medical dictionary
sonochemistry — so·no·chemistry … English syllables
sonochemistry — … Useful english dictionary
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry — Titre abrégé Ultrason. Sonochem. Discipline Chimie Langue Anglais Directeur d … Wikipédia en Français
List of scientific journals in physics — This is a representative list of scientific journals in physics and its various subfields. Journals General * Acta Physica Polonica Sections [http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/apphome.html A] and [http://th www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/ B] * Advances in… … Wikipedia
Algaculture — is a form of aquaculture involving the farming of species of algae. The majority of algae that are intentionally cultivated fall into the category of microalgae (also referred to as phytoplankton, microphytes, or planktonic algae). Macroalgae,… … Wikipedia
Список физических журналов — Содержание 1 Физика 2 Акустика 3 Астрофизика … Википедия
Atul Kumar — Born April 28, 1963 (1963 04 28) (age 48) Lucknow … Wikipedia