- sonication
- [͵sɒnıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] n спец.
разрушение ультразвуком (бактерий и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sonication — is the act of applying sound (usually ultrasound) energy to agitate particles in a sample, for various purposes. In the laboratory, it is usually applied using an ultrasonic bath or an ultrasonic probe , colloquially known as a sonicator. In a… … Wikipedia
sonication — Sonication Обработка ультразвуком Физический метод получения коллоидных систем, использующий ультразвуковое воздействие для создания кавитации, которая обеспечивает диспергирование частиц, капель, пузырьков … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Sonication — Ultrason L ultrason est un son, c est à dire une onde mécanique et élastique, diffusée par les gaz, les liquides, les tissus mous (chair, organes) ou les solides (partie métallique comme la sonotrode), dont la fréquence est supérieure à 20 000 Hz … Wikipédia en Français
sonication — noun see sonicate … New Collegiate Dictionary
sonication — n. [L. sonus, sound] The disruption of cells by sound waves … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sonication — noun The process of disrupting or homogenizing something, usually a chemical solution or biological medium, with sound waves. See Also: sonicate … Wiktionary
sonication — The process of disrupting biologic materials by use of sound wave energy. * * * son·i·ca·tion (son″ĭ kaґshən) exposure to sound waves; see sonicate … Medical dictionary
sonication — son·i·ca·tion … English syllables
sonication — Disruption of cells or DNA molecules by high frequency sound waves … Glossary of Biotechnology
sonication — noun see sonicate … Useful english dictionary
Buzz pollination — Sonication or buzz pollination is a technique used by some bees to release pollen which is more or less firmly held by the anthers, which makes pollination more efficient. The anther of buzz pollinated species of plants is typically tubular, with … Wikipedia