- somnifacient
- 1. [͵sɒmnıʹfeıʃ(ə)nt] n мед.
снотворное средство2. [͵sɒmnıʹfeıʃ(ə)nt] a мед.снотворный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
somnifacient — index narcotic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
somnifacient — SYN: soporific (1). [L. somnus, sleep, + facio, to make] * * * som·ni·fa·cient .säm nə fā shənt adj inducing sleep: HYPNOTIC (1) <a somnifacient drug> somnifacient n a somnifacient agent (as a drug): HYPNOTIC (1) * * * som·ni·fa·cient… … Medical dictionary
somnifacient — I. |sämnə|fāshənt adjective Etymology: somni + facient : hypnotic 1 II. noun : hypnotic 1 * * * /som neuh fay sheuhnt/, adj. 1. causing or inducing sleep. n … Useful english dictionary
somnifacient — adjective Etymology: Latin somnus sleep + English facient Date: circa 1890 hypnotic 1 • somnifacient noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
somnifacient — /som neuh fay sheuhnt/, adj. 1. causing or inducing sleep. n. 2. a drug or other agent that induces or tends to induce sleep. [1885 90; < L somn(us) sleep + i I + FACIENT] * * * … Universalium
somnifacient — 1. adjective /ˌsɑm.nə.ˈfeɪ.ʃənt/ inducing or causing sleep 2. noun /ˌsɑm.nə.ˈfeɪ.ʃənt/ any pharmaceutical product that causes sleep … Wiktionary
somnifacient — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I adjective Inducing sleep or sedation: hypnotic, narcotic, opiate, sedative, sleepy, slumberous, somniferous, somnific, somnolent, soporific. See AWARENESS. II noun Something that induces sleep or sedation: hypnotic,… … English dictionary for students
somnifacient — adj. tending to induce sleep, causing sleep n. drug or other substance that induces sleep … English contemporary dictionary
somnifacient — som·ni·fa·cient … English syllables
somnifacient — som•ni•fa•cient [[t]ˌsɒm nəˈfeɪ ʃənt[/t]] adj. 1) causing or inducing sleep 2) pha a drug or other agent that induces or tends to induce sleep • Etymology: 1885–90; < L somn(us) sleep + i i + facient … From formal English to slang
somnifacient — a.,n. soporific. ♦ somniferous, a. inducing sleep. ♦ somniloquence, ♦ somniloquy, n. talking in one s sleep. ♦ somnipathy, n. hypnotic sleep … Dictionary of difficult words