
[ʹsɒftbɔ:l] n спорт.
софтбол (разновидность бейсбола)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "softball" в других словарях:

  • Softball — Balle molle Fédération internationale International Softball Federation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Softball — Spielerin des Texas A M Aggie Teams Softball ist eine Variante von Baseball und eine der beliebtesten Breitensportarten in den USA. Im Gegensatz zum traditionell männerdominierten Baseball wird Softball häufig von Frauen gespielt. In Deutschland… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • softball — UK US /ˈsɒftbɔːl/ noun [U] US ► INFORMAL a method of doing something that is not forceful, determined, or unpleasant: »With its burgeoning trade deficit, the US is in no mood to play softball. → Compare HARDBALL(Cf. ↑hardball) ● …   Financial and business terms

  • softball — ● softball nom masculin (mot anglais) Sorte de base ball pratiqué sur un terrain de plus petites dimensions avec une balle plus molle et plus grosse. (Discipline olympique féminine.) softball [sɔftbol] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1980; mot angl., de soft «… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • softball — baseball of larger than usual size, used in a scaled down version of the game, 1914, from SOFT (Cf. soft) + BALL (Cf. ball). The game itself so called from 1926, earlier known as playground baseball. The word earlier was a term in sugar candy… …   Etymology dictionary

  • softball — ☆ softball [sôft′bôl΄, säft′bôl΄ ] n. 1. a kind of baseball played with underhand pitching, a small infield, and usually four outfielders 2. the ball used in playing softball: it is larger than a hardball and usually hard and white …   English World dictionary

  • softball — /ˈsɔftbol, ingl. ˈsHftˌbɔːl/ [vc. ingl., letteralmente «soffice palla»] s. m. inv. baseball femminile …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • softball — (izg. sȍftbōl) m DEFINICIJA sport igra slična bejzbolu; igra se na manjem igralištu s nešto većom i mekanom loptom ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • softball — ► NOUN ▪ a modified form of baseball played on a smaller field with a larger, softer ball …   English terms dictionary

  • Softball — This article is about the sport. For other uses, see Soft ball (disambiguation). Softball Highest governing body International Softball Federation First played United States, 1887 Characteristics …   Wikipedia

  • softball — /sawft bawl , soft /, n. 1. a form of baseball played on a smaller diamond with a larger and softer ball. 2. the ball itself. 3. something that can be easily dealt with: The confirmation committee threw her a softball on that question. [1925 30;… …   Universalium

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